You Can Call Me Gay or a Lesbian, But Please Don’t Call Me a …
A nice topic about gay or lesbian and bisexuality. Bisexuality is being attracted to both male and female on the other hand pansexuality is being attracted to both male and female, but also including those who identify otherwise, such as trans genders people and those who identify as gender queer.
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if i fucked you, i would turn you str8.
no they didn’t :(
LOL I just love doing that
I know!!! They are beyond awesome!!!
Haha. She’s amazing!!! 😀
???? :/
"Ding". LOL
I like what you said about being pans. That’s cool.
And YES, you should check out their music! x
Oh, and about the video – OMFGGG!!! I am SOOOO happy to have found that! Even if you can’t actually see me, I know what’s going on! 😀
Thanks, Plooey!! YES, I am still SUPER excited over Beth!! I don’t think I’ll ever get over it! Haha. I tried to tone it down a bit for the video so that I don’t come across as an absolute nut! Haha.
I’m fond of good friends calling me names like that, cos it’s in a joking manner, but not otherwise. 🙂 Monster homo – Lols
I’m guessing you meant to say "she’s a god" LOL. And yes, I agree with you there! 🙂
The rest of the title – you shouldn’t call me a name that describes a sexual activity, such as ‘muff muncher’, ‘carpet muncher’, ‘muff diver’, pearl diver’ etc. 😛
Haha. They are AMAZING!!! <3
Did they come to NZ for festival season?
Hi, thanks for your comment. What I mean is the word/s people use when speaking about me to others or to me about my sexuality or relationships. And of course the words I chose to use when speaking about those things to others.
Thanks! I had SO much fun! Too much, perhaps! haha.
One of the things that I struggled with when coming out was that I didn’t like the idea of people thinking of me in terms of what I like to do in bed. That’s not the REASON I’m gay, just a part of the package, you know? We don’t describe straight people in terms of sexual activities, so why should they describe us in that way? And besides, how is it anyone’s business but our own??
I hope you manage to figure out your bi/pan confusion. 🙂
YES!!! You MUST go!!! Arrgh! I wish wish wish I were there so I could go with you!! Wahhh!
Yeah, most people outside the gay community have probably never even heard of pansexuality…
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so jealous!!! i am obsessed with ditto!!!! their music is A M A Z I N G
OMG! I am so jelous you kissed beth ditto!!!!! 😀
———-floats in- erm…
hahaha beth ditto.
suppose i should listen to the gossip now. the only song i know is that song you played.
the video cut out at the definition of pans. i was real interested to hear what you were going to say.
I call myself gay if i have to but i hate labels so i say ding-which is a secret game my friends and i play when we spot gay people in public.
i think i’m more pans and to me pans is not seeing genders its seeing people as people and being attracted for who they are not their gender.
i love how excited you are about all the beth ditto ness xD still jealous. SO AWESOME THAT YOU GOT A VIDEO!
my gf and i try and come up with the best over the top words to describe each other, eg she’s saved on my phone as gigantic queer and on her’s i am monster homo xD
i love this video absolutly and beth ditto omg …hes a god you are o lucky,,,but ummhh if you dont mind me asking what wa the rest of your title???its bugging me haah what shouldent we call you
So jealous of you and the gossip! ARGH
for me it is always weird when someone calls Gay a Gay… it’s like calling Black guy… You Are Black… ermm lol… yeah thanx for letting me know lol
Glad you had fun.
In my opinion sex-act related names are completely offensive, I don’t see how it wouldn’t be.
I liked that analogy!
Ive actually been struggling with that whole bipan thing myself, as to which one I am.
i completely agree, i don’t like the sex-act related names. not cool. hmm gossip is coming to my city in april, i guess i should go?!?! O_O (they look cool!)
how dare it cut you off? youtube’s been doingthat recently. grr…
anyway, i completely agree with your definitions of bi/pan. unfortunately the problem for both (moreso for pan) is the invisibility of it outside of the gay community. you say that to anyone else and you’ve just started a 10 minute explanation. =/