Steamy Sex Positions for Lesbians
Sex between two women is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation out there.
“A lot of folks coming from mainstream culture think of ‘sex’ as penetrative intercourse — a penis going into a hole. So when two people with vulvas are having sex, I think a lot of folks don’t understand how that works since there’s no penis. They may think that women can’t have sex or that the sex isn’t satisfying,” says Liz Powell, PsyD, an LGBTQ-friendly sex educator, coach, and licensed psychologist.
To clarify some misconceptions — and, of course, to give women who have sex with other women some hot ideas — I rounded up a list of fun sex position suggestions. FYI: These aren’t just for lesbians! They can be enjoyed by queer women, bisexual women, pansexual women, or even straight-identifying women looking to explore. I identify as queer and bisexual, I’ve had sex with both men and women, and I’m also attracted to non-binary people. Since sex between two women is often so fetishized through the male gaze, I made sure to only include positions I’ve tried and enjoyed or spoken with others who have tried and enjoyed. And I kept the sex position names to the point because I’m trying to help you, not confuse you. (You’re welcome!) Yet this is indeed a roundup of steamy sex positions, so a few might be a little out there — but trust me, they’re worth the sore back the next day.
Another important note: While the article often refers to “women,” it’s crucial to remember that some women have penises and some vulva-havers (the term the brilliant Dr. Liz often uses in her quotes) are men. Read on and enjoy — and check back, because we’ll be adding new positions regularly. Continue reading here.
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