Straight And Straight-Ish Women Share Their Same-Sex Hookup Stories
ICYMI: Straight-identified women hook up with women, too.
There are lots of cultural narratives about same-sex attraction.
Sometimes they contradict each other. For example, when it comes to women, there’s the porn trope that women, even straight women, are always down to hook up with each other, like when they’re bored and there’s no man around. Then there’s the kind of opposite assumption that any woman who identifies as straight has never been attracted to or hooked up with a woman. But, ya know, sexuality contains multitudes.
1. This straight-from-a-rom-com date:
“We were in college together, on a trip to Seattle. Long ramble through the city at night, looking for a hamburger. Telling each other too much about ourselves. Running through a fountain. Giggling in an elevator. All that romcom stuff. Good grief, she was so beautiful. We spent that night together, then went back to our respective boyfriends. I wish I had been braver.”
2. This college experience that brought up more questions than it answered:
“My hookup with another woman really made me start to question my sexuality. It happened when I was studying abroad in college. One of my friends in the program had a friend visiting from home for a weekend, and we spent a couple days together. One night we went to a club, got drunk, and started dancing. One thing led to another and we started making out, then took it to the bathroom and had sex. We were both pretty drunk so it probably wasn’t anything earth-shattering for either of us, but that being said, it was pretty memorable. So that’s how I lost my virginity to a girl, in a nightclub, drunk, in the wee hours of Easter morning. I’m still not sure where exactly I stand with my sexuality, as I am typically more attracted to men. It’s just one of the things I still need to learn about myself.”
3. This cherished memory of a threesome:
“My first sexual encounter with another woman was actually a threesome with my then boyfriend, now fiancé! She was our waitress at our favorite little bar we spent many weekends at, saw and talked to her all the time. We always got along, but I never thought of her sexually. One night she came in to drink instead of work and at 2 a.m. when the bar was closing my fiancé and I were headed for the hot tub! And just on a whim we invited her to come. The whole way there we both knew what was going to happen, and talked about it. We just let it happen in the hot tub, albeit a little loudly. We stayed up until nearly 6 a.m. all playing together in bed. One of our favorite memories. While it hasn’t happened again, we would not turn down the opportunity.”
—24/female/straight with some bisexual tendencies?
4. This fun romp:
“It happened this past July with one of my best friends. She knew I’d been curious for years about hooking up with another girl, but I was in a relationship with a guy so that held both of us back from making any moves. We’d talked about it enough and even made out a few times, but I was always too nervous to take it any further. She gave me a ride home from a night out and it just happened. Once the ball was rolling and all clothes were off, I wasn’t nervous anymore and just went for it! It was a lot of fun. Only happened the one time, but I certainly wouldn’t mind again, especially spontaneously.”
—23/f/bi-curious, I guess?
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