Lesbian Vampire Killers – how to introduce the hot female cast
This is how you introduce sexy women in a movie: with wolfmother and slow motion. Skip to 1:07 if youre Impatient 😛 Video source: Lesbian Vampire Killers Music in clip: Woman by Wolfmother

What is that at 1:39 ??
what did one female vampire say to the other female vampire?
see you next month
So where are the lesbians and vampires? Haven’t seen any of them……
Oh who are you trying to kid????? You would do them allllllll!
"Ja!" :P.
what about 8 xD
This was a bit subtle for my taste; they should have shot out of the house moaning like nympho-rockets propelled by their explosive squirting orgasms.
press 7 like a mad man!!!!
Nah , you can keep her , ill take Lotte ( the blond one ) … 🙂
Nah , you can keep her , ill take Lotte ( the blond one ) … 🙂
Pity this film overshadowed ‘The Vampires of Bloody Island’ which came out about the same time and is in many ways a far superior and funnier film.
Don’t pretend you care what her name is ; DDDDD
1:41 – PANTIES !!!!!!!! ; DDDDDDDDD Thumbs up for the rapist eye ! ; D
i want to know it too, that redhead chick is so f¨*ckin HOT!!
wts the name of the second one with the nice legs at 1:18?
Ashley Mulheron i believe. The one behind is her sister Tiffany
katie 3 show me you vid oioi i getting hornee
omg i have this its so funny
the one with blue top
you and me both, man
This movie was awesome
This movie was awesome
this is a way all men die with a boner