Welcome to YouTube NEWS Daily! Discover News and Commentary on the important news stories every day Monday – Friday! Main story is about the DEATH THREATS that LACI GREEN ( has been receiving for controversial statements she has made. LETS TALK ABOUT IT! thanks for watching! dont forget to like and comment! follow me @ & Filmed by Mike Bauman PA by Trent Turner Edited by Matt Jones aka the best team ever! LACI GREEN DEATH THREATS "youtube news" thewillofdc "laci green" laci green death threats transgender mormon islam muslim religion gay issues

Right on Will. I hope the heck by now Laci has a permit to carry weapons and has had lessons on how to use them. This exactly why the Second Amendment exists. They threatened her life because she used the word tranny?? I thought a tranny was a transmission in a vehicle. This is silly, but this is why I am armed.
Why do YOU think some ppl hate Laci???
hi, so i totally agree with you.. but i do think you aren’t very well educated on Islam. Islam has the same views on homosexuality as Christianity . 🙂
omg i love you so much! 🙂
I know quite a bit about this topic, and he does not. Don’t get involved, because your stupid opinions are not needed.
After reading through your little argument, it looks like you lost. Don’t talk about things you don’t know.
sadly these few feminist extremists do not. i think usually feminists are just fine though i havent gotten their anger since apparently im not as bad as other guys because im gay, but usually extremists are the ones who take it too far. these ones took it too far.
wow! great, intelligent and considered talk!
Why are people hating on feminist? I’m a feminist and I love laci…
Wow. The tumbler feminists kinda remind me of Nazis.
Sorry but the way these people acted is not acceptable and if there weren’t any religion this world would be a better place.
Love the love & flatline on the hate. Hugs.
Thank God for you.
these TRANS-MORMON-ISLAMIC-FEMINIST, fundaMENTALists need to STFU & chill the Fk’ out.
Best WILLofDC video I Have ever seen.
I love Laci videos and …
I don’t see why people are sending her death threats just because she made a slight comment about Islam.
come on people did you guys forget that we have the right to FREE speech. if you didn’t like her comment on that small part then you could do
1) prove why Islam is not sexist or
2) STOP WATCHING ! no one is forcing you to watch her so why do you feel that its right to threaten her well being.
I love the work Laci has done on youtube. Really looking forward to seeing her back. 🙂
Are you replaying back to the right person? If yes, then lol don’t get your panties in a bunch now.
Or you just made that the fuck up. How is that an okay to just fucking post? Even if something like that happened (and tbh I’ve not seen any evidence it is) it would be none of your business.
Easy chafeboy, I was making a joke about how it seems that’s all women do is talk about how they feel. I wasn’t attacking you or her. Have a nice day 😀
If you call that arguing, mate, you are an absolute moron
Argument? There was no argument. You just proved how dumb, gullible and childish you are.
what you mean is: "I have lost this argument, therefore I will tell you a generic suckish comeback to try to play it off"
let me re-quote this, "nothing in the bible was punishable until if was said to be so", the bible wasn’t writen when adam and eves family reproduced themselves, so the commandment did not apply to them at the time.