How To Repair a Hole in the Wall With Savannah
You may need to watch Savannah teach you how to repair a hole in the wall you barely remember destroying while attempting to impress the ladies with your impeccable strength.
A great article that talks about teasing a woman during sex 😀
Who else wants to learn one of the most powerful sexual techniques to make a woman beg for sex? If you are anything like most of the men reading this right now, I hope you have your hand held high! Why? Well……you probably already realize that getting a woman to beg for sex isn’t a very common thing, and especially if you’ve been in a relationship for a while, often you are probably the one doing the begging, right?
It’s true….and the statistics bear it out! Did you know that more than half of women say they’d rather shop for shoes than have sex with their man? They do! And just about 90% of men say they NEED sex at least once a day to survive… 🙂 So what’s the key? You’ve got to learn how to become a better lover, and make your girl want it as much (if not more!) than you do on a daily basis!
What do I suggest? Easy! Erotic teasing techniques are about the most powerful way to make your girls mind melt with anticipation and lustful longing for more of you! Try a few of these either before, during or even after sex with your girl…..or even a girl you’ve just met!
– Slow Down: A woman has a cyclical sexual response to stimulation. The more titillating tension you create in her body…the more powerful her release is going to be when it comes. Slow, methodic and erotic movements are very sexy, a tremendous tease, and often have explosively good results!
– Creative Communication: When was the last time you just whispered into your girl’s ear during sex for 60 second straight? Do you know how many women would simply give their right arm for a man with this kind of mojo? Talk about a turn on….and a tease…and a wild way to work her up before, during and after sex!
– Anatomical Anticipation: This works really well if you’re particularly well endowed, and it simply drives every girl crazy! You simply want to stop and start the process of sex until she’s literally begging you to continue! This works phenomenally well, and of course there are only so many “details” I can write in this article….but I’m sure you can use your imagination and figure out exactly what needs to be done..:-)
For more hot, sexy and erotic stories visit or hop in to my personal erotic website @
Remember to Download your FREE copy of Our Controversial Guide All Women Are Bisexual

great video, most useful yet!
You should leave links to the models websites if they
That’s awesome guide
Why didn’t she drop the scissors
I wish this video was around before I moved to college
savannah can u come to me? i need ur help :3….
*Do not insert generic, witless, sexual innuendo*
EyeHandy, you are as sexy as you are handy as you are a good teacher. Thank you very much for this and other videos
She is one of the best looking models to me!
Great job, I actually just used this as my friend punched a hole in my wall.
Also why doesnt the narrator do one? Sounds seexy to me!
Savannah is my new favourite model.
Savannah so pro :3
If you have a hole in the wall, call Savannah.
a good house has brick walls, so you don’t got this problem
time to fill some holes.
Oglądam piąty raz i dalej nie wiem co robiła, ciągle rozpraszają mnie dwa takie ( . )( . )
Plus, it wouldn’t take enough time to watch Savannah do the repair ;-).
what if i have reinforced concrete walls?
yeah i noticed that.
Interesting approach… however, on a hole such as this where the other side of the wall was about a 3 foot open space, this would not work.
Time to repair some holes :3
Eyehandy…Im so glad i subscribed to you guys! Love <3
i have a better method. use expanding foam epoxy. just stick it in the hole and give it a squirt. it will expand and fill in. in 15 mins its hard enough to sand. sand it smooth and paint. DONE!!. 🙂 this wont work on really big hole. but holes up to the size of a softball no problem. 🙂