Guys Explain The Best Parts About Being A Girl
The Best Parts About Being A Girl
I found an article talking about 22 Awesome Things About Being A Woman. Enjoy reading…
Women live longer, get to wear more sequins, and are better communicators and leaders. In case you needed more reasons being a chick is great, here they are.
1. That feeling right after you shave your legs for the first time in a while and you can’t stop running your hands up and down your silky marble columns and you imagine that this is what a mermaid must feel like.
2. The sleepovers you used to have with all your girlfriends where you would eat junk food, read girly magazines, and watch scary movies. (As well as the realization that you can now have the same exact sleepovers, except this time with alcohol!)
3. When you magically find a foundation or tinted moisturizer that’s in your shade. You hold it up to the sky as the clouds part and Jesus himself floats down on a ray of sunshine to be like, “It’s your time, girl. Cover those blemishes with ease and grace.” And then he butterfly kisses you and floats back up.
4. When said moisturizer doesn’t cost 60 dollars.
5. Giving yourself an orgasm and realizing, hey, I’m not with some lame guy that I have to pay attention to. I can do this shit as many times in a row as I want and there are female sex toys for me to use!
6. Sex toy parties where everyone starts with coquettish giggling and finishes handing by each other double-ended vibrating dildos and high-fiving over cocktails filled with dick-shaped ice cubes.
7. Being able to conceive, carry, and give birth to – or adopt and mother as your own – another human life. Whether or not it’s your personal choice to do so in life, it’s still pretty awe-inspiring and incredible to think about. Big ups to my mother for giving birth to 10 pound, 4 ounce baby me, and then raising me through my My Chemical Romance phase. Neither of those things could have seemed rewarding in the moment, but she soldiered through it like the boss bitch she is.

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