Guthrie Govan – Fives – Live @ Music Live NEC
Guthrie Govan Fives Fives is from the album Erotic Cakes For more on Guthrie Govan head over to Guthrie Govans Album "Erotic Cakes" can be purchased by heading over to http

Guthrie Govan Fives Fives is from the album Erotic Cakes For more on Guthrie Govan head over to Guthrie Govans Album "Erotic Cakes" can be purchased by heading over to http
How so?
the songs in 5/4 hense the name ‘fives’ … :p
it was uploaded on the 20th of April which is 20/04/2010, but he may be american, and they invert the day and month, meaning 04/20/2010
the joke comes in because this proggy jazz fusion song has a very complicated time signature, im not able to understand anything other than 4/4 standard, so i think this song might be in 4/20 lol
mbe he ment 20/4
He must have a super-heat-protection on the strings of his guitar, so they can´t melt!!! Wtf :O
simplemente… diferente, creativo, y excepcional!!! Wow!!
0:34 the amplifier lied to guthrie
Is he wearing a delocated t-shirt?
I don’t understand :S
The greatest guitarist to walk this earth.. Period.
Hahahahahaha! Yay for math puns!
His signature model from Suhr guitars. Although it has been changed a bit since this video.
What make is his guitar?
it would be better if GG play with tal wilkenfeld like in the fives version of 6 string theory!
I love GG, he’s like a Greg Howe/Malcalpine resurrection of awesome licks
1:17 pretend the black face guy on guthrie’s t shirt is playing the guitar
Mozart was a shredder back in the day. he didnt do that bad did he ?
what are you retarded?
no. actualy thats very interesting rhythmic variation. however, he really makes us to believe that he used to be human at 3:38 never heard "bad" note from Guthrie
Unless you can play this, you are in no place to call it boring.
The face on his T-shirt was the look on my face when I heard 1:59
better sound on "no live video". by the way…i love Govan but u need something more than skills to "sold out!" where is vai?¿ lol
SHREDDERS?! Yngwie Malmsteen is a shredder my friend, listen to those note choices, the chord changes. True the song isn’t a compositional master piece it’s a jam track but Guthrie is an improv genius and you sully the name of an amazing virtuoso with your "shredder" talk.
very cool!!