Secrets for Giving Great Lesbian Oral Sex
The gold mine of lesbian sex is oral sex. It’s luscious, tasty, and a totally mind-altering experience… when it’s great. Just have a look at some of the videos from a website like to see for yourself what lesbian oral sex can be like.
Great Oral Sex? What Constitutes “Great”?
It means proper hygiene for the receiver and proper technique for the giver.
A discussion on proper hygiene can go all over the place, as what’s required varies with individual women. Some women like things clean-shaven and washed. Other women love a hairy bush and some body odor. There all kinds of variations on this theme. You can see all sorts of women at do sex video to help better understand how you’d enjoy the look of each.
To love oral sex, you’ve got to be committed to understanding the pubic area of a woman. It’s not as simple as one thinks. As a lesbian, just because you have a clitoris doesn’t automatically make you good at oral sex, but it’s a big help.
First off, you want to stimulate your lover’s clitoris, but also you want to enjoy her labia, her mound, her peritoneum (that space between the clitoris and the anus) and the taste of her.
1. Get to Know Her Unique Body
You may discover your lesbian lover has a clitoris that is much larger or much smaller than your own. Her labia may be small or large and protruding like a rose bud.
Your lover can have distinct flavors based on what she eats. Important tip: Stay away from asparagus when you’re planning on having oral sex!
Oral sex involves using your tongue, lips and often your fingers. As you explore your lover, be sensitive at first to discover how she is built.
2. Ask Her What She Likes
Some women love your tongue to be rough and hard, while other women want it slow, gentle and easy. Some women hate penetration, while others crave it. Again, ask!
Stop and ask if she likes what you are doing. It’s worth it to discover exactly what she likes because she’ll be putty in your hands when you can give her great oral sex.
And be especially thankful if she speaks up to say do this or do that. She’s just made your work as her sex slave a lot easier!
When you think about using your tongue for oral sex, realize that most women need time to get fully aroused. That’s usually about 15 minutes and then she’s ready to go for an orgasm. Continue reading here.
What Women Want: Eating Pussy

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