Female Bisexuality!
I can’t state where is the origin of this female bisexuality and what are it’s disadvantages but these days women will admit to bisexuality to get other girls but won’t admit it to men in a relationship with.
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Sorry I can’t publish my video, but yeah we need to do something about the rising rate of female bisexuality. Inbox me???I have a great blog and many ideas on the subject of female bisexuality
I don’t think this issue is about race, all western females are doing this stuff. here’s my video on the same subject and my blog deals with it in more detail. I agree totally with the speaker, yes we need to stop it
I had thought about doing a vid on bisexual woman. Yep. It’s around even today and yes some women experiement and some continue to be bisexual. These days women will admit to bisexuality to get other girls but won’t admit it to men in a relationship.
We need to start offing anyone committing any of these sexual perversions. pedophilia in my opinion is an offensive that can’t be forgiven under any circumstance. DEATH is the only reward for this act. All of the perversions should meet the same punishments but alot of our people haven’t had knowledge dropped to them. But pedophilia is the worst even though all of them are sick!
i have always said we should have never integrated. i am strictly against it. people see martin luther king as a savior but i see something else. he was also being coached by a Gay male who couldnt come out because we were against it. another thing, he got his famous speech from a white girl.
that is true and another thing that needs to be addressed that is aiding in the turning of some of our children is pedophilia and molestation in the black community.
Thats soooo true,but negros don’t understand that!
Some of these down low sistas be trying to create division between black men and black women so they could turn other black women into lesbians.
Integration was the worst thing IMO that ever happened to Black people. The closer we get to the grafted the worse off we are!
To dlp054:
I notice that since Madonna kiss Britney Spears the "girls kissing other girls" thing become a fashion in the music industry and else where. You can even find feminist who are the advocate of this madness. And the worst part is the fact that those things are affecting the black race as well.
this sexual perversion needs to be cut off. we can’t tolerate this anymore.