Listen to Couples That Had a Threesome
Every relationship is different, and what works for one couple isn’t necessarily going to work for everyone else.
In WatchCut’s latest video, the YouTube masters decided to ask a group of couples about whether or not they’d be interested in having a threesome with their partner — similar to what can be enjoyed on sexy websites like watch my gf sex and their answers were just as varied as the couples themselves. While most pairs seemed to be on the same page on the matter, others seemed to have just slightly different levels of interest in the idea. At the very least, most of the couples seemed to have at least already discussed the possibility (or, in some cases, had already given it a try).
Check out the video above to hear them discuss the many reasons why they would or wouldn’t be down for a ménage à trois.
9 Ways To Have A Sexy, Intimate Threesome
Have you done your homework and decided that you and your partner are ready to try a threesome? Congrats, the hard part is over. Now comes the threesome with the magical unicorn where everyone comes, laughs, and has the best night of their lives. Sorry, but nope. Once you’ve decided your relationship can handle a ménage à trois, then comes the actual hard part: figuring out how to have a sexy, romantic, drama-free threesome.
To help first-timers and beginners navigate this tricky territory, we spoke to people who’ve had a ton of mind-blowing threesomes. Ahead, nine tips that will help you have the threesome of your wet dreams.
Make sure everyone’s comfortable with each other and excited.
“If you are going to do a threesome, it is best that [everyone is] connecting with both partners somewhat equally, and everyone is into doing it, and one person doesn’t feel guilted or coerced into it,” says Dennis*, who had many threesomes while single, and is now currently in a committed three-way polyamorous relationship with two other men.
Remember being the last kid picked for dodge ball in grade school? Being the odd man out during a threesome is the grown-up equivalent of that rejection — and joining a team you don’t want to be a part of in the first place can be even worse.
To avoid this, it’s a good idea for the threesome participants to go on a date and hang out with each other prior to sleeping together. That way, you can get a feel of the chemistry between the three of you, both sexually and emotionally. And never have a threesome simply because your partner is really into this person but you’re not. Continue reading here.
Celebrities Who Reportedly Had a Threesome

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