XBox Girls Get Revenge
XBox Girls Get Revenge. This is a Very funny Video about “Girl Power” I’m sure you’ll have a laugh!
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Girls take note, this is how you should speak on Xbox live. lol
"faggots like you are cannon fodder for my entertainment."
uh oh, now youre copying me. ive seen this before, children look up to me. obviously im not entertaining you, you are clearly frustrated; you even claimed that you had blocked me. that is not a sign that youre having a good time. youre mad. so once again, thanks for the entertainment faggot (dont try taking my line again, ok lil guy? be your own person).
sometimes… when I’m alone in the middle of the night… I fill my bathtub with marinara sauce and soak in it while pretending I am a meatball.
i’ve heard worse from 2nd graders
I’d cry too if it happened to me…
I used to be a dickface like you then i got a girlfriend
And every single one of the outbreaks in the US occurred before you were even thought of by your parents. And if it weren’t for the people who worked at places such as USAMRIID and the CDC(Center for Disease Control) as well as other military grade medical centers, the US(as well as the other countries such as Germany, some African countries, and a few Orient countries)’s population would be less than a fourth it is today or not existing at all.
If they belonged in the kitchen than we wouldn’t have women like Nancy Jaax working. If we didn’t have people(not just women) like Nancy Jaax working, the entirety of the US would probably be much different than it is today. Because women like Nancy Jaax(and the other men and women that work/worked at USAMRIID[the United States Army Medical Research Institute for infectious diseases]) Risk their lives every single day studying the most deadliest diseases on earth and have saved the US many times
Game over!
god damn! they destroyed his world.
dafuq did i just watch
top left and bottom left shows exactly the same person…
or i was too busy to reply to some faggot who claimed he blocked me. im guessing my comment made you mad enough to reply after all. lol you stupid fuck.
LMFAO @ the Chick in the middle right cube who "lightly" chucks her xbox controller across the room 1:46
what just happened..
Now this is the way video games should be 🙂
1:45 2 Same girls. Both on the corners.
oh, you wouldnt? isnt that what youre doing right now? fat pussies like you have to mute and block everyone that offends them because otherwise we might make you cry. grow some nuts.
that just sounds like the best orgy ever!
How is any of that bad?