Ways To Make A Woman Come
Would you like to see the easiest and best way to make a woman come? Give any woman massive orgasms easily?
Carlin Ross knows what it takes to get a girl excited. A bisexual sex educator, writer, and feminist, Ross has spent the last three years teaching women how to maximize their own pleasure. In her new e-book How to Make a Girl Come, she explains (in just 54 pages) “everything you need to know about female sexual pleasure.” View a gallery here.
Now, let’s look at the process of sexual arousal.
Clearly sexual arousal is not just something that happens in the mind; it happens in the mind and the body together.
The sequence of events leading up to the point of having an orgasm is known as the sexual response cycle: it has four stages – excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
Each stage builds upon the last, in both men and women, so long as the right kind of stimulation is applied at the right time and with the right intensity.
Step 1 On The Road To Orgasm (Climax)
The sexual response cycle often begins with foreplay. This promotes sexual arousal.
As you know, foreplay can take many forms, ranging from simple loving look to a gentle touch, from a passionate kiss to a warm embrace, from gentle stroking of the skin to a vigorous massage. Most women would admit that if they are being brought to orgasm, foreplay is essential to promote desire.
Whatever the stimulation, there are changes in a woman’s body which make her aware of her growing sexual arousal.
These changes include an increased flow of blood to her genitals, with some engorgement of the erectile tissue of the clitoris, vulva and labia. At the same time her skin becomes more sensitive to touch.
Her breasts swell in size and her nipples become more sensitive to stimulation. But since the nipples are very sensitive anyway, an aggressive touch may not be pleasant, so men- beware! If you are aiming to take a woman to orgasm, or force her to come with you on a sexual journey, make sure you touch lightly – or at least in the way she wants to be touched!
For some women, it is not the destination (orgasm) but the journey (arousal, foreplay, intimacy) which is most exciting.
And perhaps the most obvious sign of her bodily arousal is production of vaginal lubrication, sometimes in large quantities, so much so that she may feel the wetness growing and seeping outwards into her underwear. Continue reading here.
How To Give Your Woman Multiple Orgasms

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