Waiting for Marriage to Have Sex Bad Idea???
Waiting for Marriage to Have Sex Bad Idea???
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Waiting for Marriage to Have Sex Bad Idea???
For more hot, sexy and erotic stories visit http://www.allwomenarebisexual.com or hop in to my personal erotic website @ http://www.suzybauer.com/
200 people are GIRLS 0.o
man I dont wanna fucking wait for marriage but it looks like I will not because of my decision just no sugarwalls interested in me. I need a social life gawd damn
Guys, influence your man to treat you better does not have to be difficult (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a relationship course known as Melterize Your Man’s Heart (just google it). Seriously, thanks to Melterize Your Man’s Heart, I have change the way my husband treats me
If you respect yourself and your body and when you marry you make sure you are marrying the right person a person who deserves you for marriage then you lose it for that special person. A woman’s value is so high that she can’t just lose it like that. And hey I am a male not female
who wants to have bad sex for the rest of their life??
Complete horrible advice.
"some women respect their bodies. and all they want is one man."
lol. Yeah right.
so is sex haha
lol they usually start by saying thats good thats good …. first one they dont lol
Pimp6221 s michaels mom cusses video brought me here. Haha. Not gunna lie id rather watch that than this tho haha
Damn, this is the first time Kevin ever said anything personal about himself
Go out there and FUCK whoever the FUCK you wanna FUCK!
U fags
It can work if you’re both trying to live a pure life 😉
Naw, its a good idea to wait if you can find another virgin… You wouldnt kno what bad sex was if neither never had it! Thats the poin!
how old are you and how would you rate your looks from 1-10?
You’re right about those contradicting studies. But 3 times exactly? Lol.
I don’t think I’m missing out on anything or on meeting cool people. If some guy wants to stick around me only for sex, then I now have eliminated that loser from my life. Since sex is so important, why would I want to have sex with just anybody? No thanks, that’s not what’s up. I’ll wait until I’m married to a wonderful man and I’ll give my everything to him-including sex-rather than sharing all of myself with anyone.
LOL @ 2:01
your a godwanker? i think so
grow up.