Two and a Half Men Bloopers with Hot Girls!
This clip only covers the outtakes with the hot girls! Well except for the first one coz’ it was too funny not to keep in. Charlie Sheen is the funniest man alive.
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Emmanuelle Vaugier!! <3
Berta IS actually, a hot lady!
@MrJtotheohnnn Thanks.
@OptimusPrimeribs emmanuelle vaugier
Girl at 1:50?
@JESSExERA that’s kandi
april bowlby is awesome. so hot
which girl is 0:34 ….she’s tooo fine!
@barkleysound ohh yes
ugh i douubt anyones gunna watch th new series cuz tht fag ashton replaces charlie what wer th writers thinking
Holy crap charlie sheen is sober in the bloopers!!! when did that happen?
what s the name of the girl that say "but i like lilis"???
Great video.
@MrScroob LOL! My thoughts exactly 🙂
please share my Charlie Sheen video that’s on my page
jon cryers laugh <3
is the house real or is it just a made thing?
wow kandi is dumb in real life too
"Tinkle Tinkle litle Star" I’m pretty sure the title is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"? xD
Charlie Sheen has such a cute smile and a gorgeous laugh!
Berta is really hot
figured it out. Emmanuelle Vaugier.