5 Tips For Dating A Bisexual Woman
Looking for 5 tips on how to hook up with women? What about dating a bisexual woman? If you’re a man who finds himself with a chance to date a sexy, smart woman who goes both ways, these tips for dating a bisexual woman can help you focus on what you need to know. If you’ve had a chance to talk to your lady friend on a site like DatingInsider beforehand, you may already know some of their preferences but if not, these tips can help you out. It’s going to be a fun night so you need to make sure you’re well prepapred! Not all women come out and say they’re bi straight away, you have to develop a connection with the first like you would with any other person. You may meet these women at a bar, on a Geek Dating site, through a friend or elsewhere but no matter where you meet them, you might need some tips on chatting them up. Read on if you’re interested in learning how to approach dating a bisexual woman.
1. Dating a bisexual woman could mean getting even luckier than you hope to. Seriously, if you are serious about dating a bisexual woman, wouldn’t it be best if she shared? You might still go out with her even if she only wants one man and one girlfriend who are to remain mutually exclusive, but be prepared to have two women in bed. Be prepared emotionally, and (perhaps more importantly) be prepared physically.
2. Dating a bisexual woman means sharing her. At first, you might love the idea of having two women. But then again, one of them will be (most likely) more into your girlfriend than you. Besides, you might not want more than one woman, and that could mean you aren’t as prepared to share the relationship with your bisexual partner as you might assume you are. Watch your own feelings closely, especially if she asks you if you want to watch.
3. Would you be able to be married to a bisexual woman? Ask yourself this before you get involved. You might think that you’re only in this for the sex, but what if it gets deeper? Be prepared emotionally for this possibility.
4. Accept that the bisexual woman you’re dating will sometimes want to be with another woman instead of with you. This is nothing personal against you and it’s not a slight. Remember, she is bisexual! If you’re dating her you cannot get jealous of other women in her life.
5. Share her sexuality with her instead of passively accepting it. Ogle hot gals together, look at men‘s magazines together (even if only for the photos). Talk with her about women almost as if she’s a guy friend of yours-after all, she has many of the same types of thoughts you do! The more you can share in her sexual thoughts, the more you’re sharing in her whole life, and that’s still of the utmost importance between a man and a woman.
So, dating a bisexual woman can be sexually exciting, and it can even be much deeper than that, even something that leads to a happy, lasting marriage. But you need to be prepared first, and that mostly means being honest with yourself and self-aware.
Source: www.mademan.com/mm/5-tips-dating-bisexual-woman.html
The Best of Both Worlds? How to Date a Bisexual Woman
Luckily for the guy who has found himself a girl with bisexual tendencies, or is in the process of trying to hook one, modern society is fairly open minded about women of this persuasion, far more than is the opposite way round.
Where the woman in a couple is bisexual, it just seems exotic and mysterious, whereas people tend to have a slightly suspicious view when it is the guy. However, there are still many things that the man in such a relationship needs to take into consideration, so that he doesn’t commit any blunders and screw things up for himself.
What not to say to your bisexual gal
There are a number of mistakes that guys commonly make when in this situation, saying or doing the wrong thing and sending the whole relationship awry in one fell stroke. Much of this has to do with our misunderstanding of the nature of bisexuality and the certain negative associated stereotypes.
The real key to a successful relationship with a bisexual girl, of course, is to focus less on the bisexuality and more on the relationship. But, just to provide a guide, the following list outlines some issues that you, the guy, should be aware of.
#1 Bisexual or bi-curious. I’m not going to shoot myself in the foot here right at the very start by trying to provide an exact explanation of what is meant by these two terms. There are so many grey areas of sexuality, and we don’t have time or space to discuss them all here.
For brevity’s sake, let’s say that by bisexual we mean someone who has been sexually active with women and by bi-curious, that they simply find other women attractive or even have had sexual fantasies about other women, but have never actually committed to the act. They may never even have wanted to, just locking the possibility up in their mind for fantasy purposes only. If this is the case, well, they’re not on their own. Continue reading here.
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