All My Lovers by Kylie Minogue (The Essence of Bisexuality)
You Gotta Love this Video!Not sure if she’s ever been out but I know Kylie is Bi.
This video is a perfect example of the essence of bisexuality.
I recognize Bisexuality as a distinct form of sexual expression-distinct from heterosexuality on one end and homosexuality on the other.
The diversity of sexual expression is impressive, especially since most of us have been thoroughly trained to think in terms of polarities: male or female, heterosexual or homosexual.
Heterosexuality and homosexuality have always been polarized. Homosexuality was openly practiced in the days of the early Grecian and Roman empires as an ideal way of life.
Could Bisexuality be the true “norm”? Examine: A newborn baby can be easily stimulated. It does not distinguish between a male or female stimulus; it will simply respond if the stimulus is a pleasurable one.
However, if he or she was never taught to distinguish between the two (as it most certainly will be), would he or she remain open throughout its life, judging the quality of the stimulus bur not the giver of the stimulus? What part would nature play?
Only a minority bypass stereotyping by parents and society and live more authentically than the rest. Bisexuality could be that authentic lifestyle.
However, the term bisexual is somewhat misleading. People often assume the prefix “Bi” denotes equal, but few, if any, are truly Bisexual in that they are equally attracted to both sexes. One most always has a preference of one gender over the other.
It is a documented fact that large numbers of people practice Bisexuality. This was shown by Alfred Kinsey and associates who conducted what many clinicians feel to be the most thorough study of human sexuality yet produced.
Kinsey developed a scale numbered O to 6. Each point on the scale represented a different degree of sexuality as follows:
O – exclusively heterosexual
1- mainly heterosexual with a small degree of homosexuality
2 – mainly heterosexual with a substantial degree of homosexuality
3 – equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 – mainly homosexual with a substantial degree of heterosexuality
5 – mainly homosexual with a small degree of heterosexuality
6 – exclusively homosexual
Respondents were asked to identify themselves at one point on the scale. Kinsey found that between the ages of 16 and 55, 25 percent of the male population in 1948 had had more than incidental homosexual experience or reaction for at least three years.
In 1953 Kinsey published his findings on sexuality in females. Those having more than incidental homosexual experience between the ages 20 and 35 were as follows:
Unmarried women: 6-14 percent
Married women: 2-5 percent
Previously married women: 8-10 percent
In terms of numbers, these percentages translate into about 30-40 million Bisexual women in the United States. How would these figures stand 30 years later? In January 1977, “Psychology Today” published a survey on masculinity wherein 68 percent of the male respondents considered themselves heterosexual, 6 percent homosexual, and 29 percent had some degree of Bisexuality.
In 1975, 100,000 women answered a “Redbook” magazine survey on sexual pleasure. Ten percent of the separated or divorced women surveyed had had sex with other women and four percent of all women were currently doing so. These figures were very close to Kinsey’s original figures
As one can see, the figures are almost twice as high for men in all categories than for women. One reason is, the male is generally more open to explore sexuality. However, with the women’s movement and the diminishing double standard, this is growing less true.
But as it now stands, men—be they homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual—are still, culturally and socially, allowed more freedom to be openly expressive in their need for sexual fulfillment.
Bisexuality. Is it the true norm? Or is it just a few million people who are confused about their sexuality? You decide. To that end, perhaps the words of the late anthropologist Margaret Mead in her article entitled “Bisexuality, What’s It All About?” will help:
“Changing traditional attitudes towards homosexuality is in itself a mind expanding experience. But we shall not really succeed in discarding the straight jacket of our cultural beliefs about sexual choice if we fail to come to terms with the well-documented, normal human capacity to love members of both sexes.”
I think it is a must for you to download my book: All Women Are Bisexual on the Home Page of this Blog:
Another Great resource I would recommend is :

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