The World’s Most Beautiful Vagina
With so many cool vaginas (and in many of these cases, vulvas) dominating the news in 2015, it was hard to narrow it down to just 13, but narrow it down the internet did. Here are the best vaginas of 2015.
1. The “World’s Most Beautiful Vagina.”
The demand for sex toys has been increasing for years. Men like to check the sex ‘n dolls for sale collection to see which sex doll they would like to buy, women are feeling less shame around sex and using dildos, and couples are becoming more experimental in bed. So, it was only a matter of time before a competition was held by a sex toy company. After all, people are always looking for the next step up when it comes to their toys, be it with a chubby sex doll or with any other interesting point of note.
Auto-Blow sex toys decided to have a competition to find the world’s most beautiful vagina and asked women to submit photos of their vaginas so the Internet could vote for and rank them. The three winners were told they’d get thousands of dollars in cash and the opportunity to have a mold made of their vulvas so they could be made into sex toys. Imagine your vagina being turned into a vibrating fleshlight which your partner could enjoy! Auto-Blow creator Brian Sloan made that mold by 3-D scanning the first-, second-, and third-place vaginas after taking them to a quick lunch. A little weird, yes, but also, good for them?
2. The wall made entirely of vaginas.
Over 400 women took part in Jamie McCartney’s “Great Wall of Vagina” plaster of Paris artwork designed to put an end to women feeling shame about the way their vaginas look with many looking to use something similar to this as well as other products to make what they believe would be the perfect vagina. . McCartney said he was sick of companies shaming people for their vaginas and telling them they needed to have surgery to make them look better so the companies could make money off of them. He said his plan was to do castings with one woman’s vagina from every country in the world and a casting series with one vagina from every state in America so women could see their vaginas are perfect. He’s basically a terrific human being.
3. The vagina emojis the world needed.
Flirtmoji introduced vagina emojis with diverse skin tones, tangles of hair, and little details like wrinkles, veins, freckles, piercings that made all of us wonder how we got along without vagina emojis for as long as we did. Continue reading here.
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