Dating Advice: How to Make a Move
A really funny video advice on relationships, sex, kissing, dating and everything every guy wants to know about girls. Watch it it’s really funny!

A really funny video advice on relationships, sex, kissing, dating and everything every guy wants to know about girls. Watch it it’s really funny!
2:05 - 4:13 LMFAAO
thats sooooo cute 😉
u dont have 2 say ANYTHING 😛 say u were in a movie. ud pretend 2 b watchin de movie but make obvious sneek peeks at her and a cheeky little grin 🙂 its cuter dat way
My first kiss was pretty cool, but I was definitely nervous. Basically, I had been talking to this girl that I met at work on facebook, aim and text, and we were flirting and dirty talking to each other. We set up a time to hang out a few days later. And when we met, there were so many sparks flying and a lot of chemistry. I read her body language, touched her in appropriate places and then at one moment when we were staring at each other, I went in and we made out for a good while =)
Star with blonde hair OMG shes fit, love u too jet 😉 xoxxxxx
Hey I like this boy and hes tots out of my leage can you make a video about how,to make a 10 year old guy to like a girl whos tall to be 10???
nothing is wrong….. something is really wrong XD
Pleaseeee…….. Help winggirls I am 11 and I like this girl and I don’t know if she likes me or not. I was driving home with my dad and she was running home because she lives across the street and she waited for me to get out the car to wave at me does she like me? Please respond and how to I ask a 12 year old out?
Jet looks like a lesbian. All the time I mean
where can u make your move???
I’m a girl and I love my chances as single?
@Rukus103eryan Good job. Still seeing her?
I’ve seen about ten of these and only just realised they’re wearing aviation outfits. Maybe i should be paying more attention lol.
omg star marrie me
@xxmodsforfunxx lol
I like this girl but im too affrraid and everytime i see she is with her friends. Should i ask her out on facebook?
@DeZiiiNe Yeah man that does suck i have had a gf never built up the courage to kiss her though O_O
@DeZiiiNe Yeah man that does suck i have had a gf never built up the courage to kiss her though O_O
Oh my god just yesterday my gf was just so close too me so many times she was leaning and everything but I just couldn’t do it cuz I mean my friends were there her friends were there and it was just horrible
0:25-0:35 happned to me 🙁
So what if she does back or turn away? Do I back away 2 or do I apologize r sumthin?
Somebody in the comments wanna tell me what to say afterwards? Good with everything else