How to Make a Move at the Movies
Here is a funny video on how to make a move on movies. You must watch this, maybe you can learn from it.
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i got slapped…., twice :,(
hahaha great video, made me laugh
Star is hotter
Star is hotter
@8pwn no need to worry. Just kiss him/her it doesn’t matter what other people think. It’s just you and him/her…
shes not my gf yet though so
i want to pressure test my friend at a romantic horror to see what happens
I will take my gf to see Titanic & test this move… Thanks a lot for this video…♥
Takin my gf 2 hunger games! 2 of Mai trends coming tho
@Na0miGames Im takin my gf to the hunger games except also 7 of my other friends are also going to be there. 🙁 what should i do
Thumz up if you want to do thiis but think your a little to young
oh i didnt know you guys were "together" lol
@readwritelove99 lol that’s what I’m seeing on my first date with him .. Eekk nervous
Yeah make out in the movie to warm the bitch up for whats gonna happen in your car in the parking lot after the movie
I really want to see Titanic at the movies next month with him……..
I’m going to the movies today…….but with my dad ;(
I’m taking my girl to c the woman in black
Scary movie = hot girl hugging me when scared
Getting hugged by hot girl when scared = kiss
I’m gonna have eat a lot of mints
I’m 12 by the way so if older people haven’t kissed u need to do it now!!
*** WATCH US MOVING TO A GIRL LOOOL *** /watch?v=OV975P7FV-w
did they actualy kiss? :0
My boyfriend is taking me to see the Hunger Games. I’m SO exited!!! We have never kissed yet but we always talk about it and other stuff… 😉 If he kisses me then what do I do? Do I smile? Do I look away? Keep staring? Kiss more? Plz respond,someone!!! By The Way! If he doesn’t put his arm around me would it still be uncomfortable to kiss??? Thx 4 ur help!!
I am taking my girlfriend on a double date to see the muppets at the cinema but I don’t know wether those tips will work because I’m only 11
Took her to see extremely loud incredibly close. She cried so I put my arm around her. Later I looked at her she looked at me, and we just kissed. It was perfect.
i had sex my girl
@superhuman295 Best movie ever!