The Wing Girls – How to Ask Her Out
This is a great video of the Wing Girls on how to ask a girl out. Follow through the video and they will teach you how to ask a girl out. Enjoy!
Learn how flirting works and how to do it by checking out this great post I found!
When you hear the word “flirt”, what do you think? If you look it up on everybody’s favorite online encyclopedia, you get this: “Flirting is a form of human interaction between two people, expressing a romantic and/or sexual interest. It can consist of conversation, body language, or brief physical contact.”
Now, do you think this first line will help you learn how to flirt with a woman? Naturally, you may be reluctant to “express a romantic and/or sexual interest” in a woman just like that: what if you come off as weird, she gets annoyed, defensive, what if she flat-out rejects you? That would make flirting a quite unpleasant experience. On the other hand, if you really understand how to do it, you can make any flirt what it’s meant to be: a light, fun interaction with a breezy sexual vibe and sweet validation.
When I hear the word “flirt”, I think of witty, smiley banter, laughing, good feelings, slight sexual tension, and most importantly: no particular outcome. It may be a fun prelude to casual sex, a steady relationship or simply nothing at all – none of these things make or break a good flirt. The only two ingredients it needs are “good” and “flirt”. It is what it is! Here’s how you do it
Feel sexy and make her feel the same.
Be positive and don’t care about the outcome
Be playful
Facial expressions
Make her flirt with you
For more hot, sexy and erotic stories visit or hop in to my personal erotic website @
Remember to Download your FREE copy of Our Controversial Guide All Women Are Bisexual

TYPE "The Effects of Emasculation, Part I" ON YOUTUBE. SO TRUE. ALSO LOOK UP "STEVE HOCA".
Funny and helps 🙂
I’m thinking to have a movie night and right in the middle to ask her is that a good idea?
You two are my new fwiends 😛
No one is probably gonna read this,
Im just gonna write it any way because i feel at least one person will,
i’m a rapper… i knw theres like 100,000 of those in this world lol
But I’m different promise that… if u give me a chance ill show u
I would love nothing more than to have a decent following on youtube from people
if anyone who reads this could press the "THUMBS UP" other people will see it
just a simple button press could make my dream come true 🙂 thankyou
@12AirBourne well that means one of two things when she says you’re "too good of friends", either you fucked up and slipped into the infamous ‘friend zone’, or, she doesn’t like you and wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings. I know you wrote this about a month ago, but still…
Way if she has a boy friend already but this is the last year that you can see her and u don’t have her fone#
Hey I wasnt trying to hold her hand it just in the way of her pussy!
@trex51015 no trust me ~girl
I’m a girl viewing these cuz theyre funny and I want to see if theyre acurate to help guys out there, but I like to hold my friend’s hands too if I’m good friends with them, but I wouldn’t wana give them the wrong idea if they watched this :O i think different rules apply for close close friends
Hey wing girls, thnks for the info but I need some help, I lik this girl from jr high I’m in jr high also, so this girl I lik she has a boyfriend and she wants to brake up with him, so I wanted to do exactly this and I know she liks me because she told me but I’m a 7th grader and she’s 8th. Will bring a 7th grader mak a difference at all??
@MMArtist99 damn, eh..C’est la vie
Did she say bi-skankless at the end?
being stoned makes this stuff easy
I’m 14 aswell… Damn
@MMArtist99 Your product is a scam and a gimmick. Go fuck yourself.
Weed helps me be more social and daring so I think im just gonna do that
I had to watch this again so I can hear that girl talk. She is waayy cute haha.
This is fuckin genious
Sooo i like her, she likes me, but im just trying to find out how i can ask her out in a romantic way:P
@TrollWithBallz pretty sure there are remedies for that, just research a bit and you’ll be set
WAAAH! teh handdolding gets me every time… i’ve got sweaty hands…