How To Tell if a Woman is Interested in You
Although there are no sure-fire ways to tell, here are some way to guess if a woman is interested in you, especially for bisexual and lesbian women.
1. She Tries to Make Eye Contact
Does she go out of her way to try and catch your eye? Do you catch her looking at you when you glance her way? These are signs that she’s intrigued, but it may or may not have anything to do with a romantic interest. Pay attention to the context. These clues are a lot more telling at a lesbian bar then in the workplace.
2. She Makes a Point of Sitting Near You
At work, she sits next to you in staff meetings. In a group of friends, she’ll take the seat right next to you or right across from you.
3. She Goes Out of Her Way to Engage with You
Does she always come by your cubicle at work to check in about a project that could easily be talked about via email? Does she show up at your softball games, at the club where you bartend or hang around outside your classroom when her next class is far away? These are all ​signs she could be into you. Then again, it could be your co-worker, boss or classmate.
4. She laughs at your jokes
Especially if they’re not funny.
5. She touches you.
Does she touch your hand when she asks to see your ring? Are there moments when touching is not called for, but she does anyway, like sitting close on a couch or giving your shoulder a squeeze when you pass by her.
6. She compliments you.
If she says you have pretty eyes or a nice smile, she’s probably flirting with you. If she compliments your shirt, hair or shoes, she could just like them.
7. She jokes around with you.
Humor is a great ice breaker. If she likes you, she may tease you, joke with you or flirt with you.
8. Your intuition is telling you so.
Don’t discount the power of your intuition. Often the energy between two people is palpable. Feel for it, but you can never be sure if one-sided.
9. She tells you.
This is only sure-fire way to find out if someone is into you. Either that or she tries to kiss you.

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