Post Tagged with: "homosexual"

Why Are So Many Girls Lesbian or Bisexual?

Why is it OK for girls to be bisexual or homosexual, but not boys? Over the past seven years, I’ve posed this question to hundreds of teenagers and young adults across the United States. The most common answer I get isn’t really an answer. “Girls kiss other girls at parties because guys like it,” one […]

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Women are either bisexual or gay but ‘never straight’

Most women are either bisexual or gay but “never straight”, a study suggests. Research has found that though lesbians are much more attracted to the female form, most women who say they are straight are in fact aroused by videos of both naked men and naked women. Meanwhile of the women who identified as straight, […]

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School Denies Lesbian Parents

This is utterly ridiculous, but then again is Texas According to Time Magazine: Not surprisingly, the researchers found that 41% of children reported having endured some teasing, ostracism or discrimination related to their being raised by same-sex parents. But Gartrell and Bos could find no differences on psychological adjustment tests between the children and those […]

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