Should I Ask Her Out On A Date?
When your asking a girl out on a date and she doesn’t responds with a yes or a no, assume she’s thinking if she’s gonna go out with you or not. Girls always replies with a hanging question for her to have time to think of going out with you.
I found an informative article which might help you on asking a girl out on date then you should read this!
Asking a girl out can be a very frightening experience. This is especially true if it is the first time you have had to do it.
In this article I want to give you some solid tips for how to ask a girl out in a way that makes it likely that she will be willing to say yes.
But before we get into that, it is important that you understand a couple of things about how to get a girl to like you in the first place.
What are girls attracted to?
Here is the thing, if you plan on asking a girl out it is critically important that you have already created attraction in the girl.
Point blank. If you haven’t done anything to create attraction in a girl… don’t ask her out yet.
Too many guys make the huge mistake of asking a girl on a date before they have done enough to attract the girl and make it likely that she will say yes.
So what attracts girls?
There are certain things you can do over and over again and it will almost always attract the girl you are talking to.
Here is a list of a few things you should have established before you ask a girl out.
1. You should establish to the girl that you are a fun, playful guy that she is likely to have a good time going out with. Too many “shy” guys act completely boring around a girl and expect that she should want to go out with them. I know, because I used to be very “shy” and had a hard time getting girls to say yes. This is because they all thought that I was boring, nervous, and insecure… and couldn’t imagine having a good time with me.
2. One of the first things I figured out about how to attract girls is that girls like to see that you are the leader of other guys. Women like the “popular” guy because he has the respect of other guys. If you want to make it likely that she will say yes, let her see a side of you in some sort of leadership role. Whether you are the one talking to everyone at a party, or you simply command the attention of those around you with your stories… this will make it more likely she will want to go out with you.
3. Girls are attracted to “the chase” which is why they usually wind up dating “bad boys.” Girls like guys that they think will be a challenge. They don’t want to go out on a date with a guy who they know is beneath them socially and would probably wind up falling in love instantly with her… making it hard and awkward to get rid of him later.
4. An essential attribute is being a guy with a personality. If you are expecting a long-term relationship and not just a hook-up, you need to consider other aspects of life. Women like successful guys with passion and future goals. In addition, try creating a friendship or acquaintance with her instead of asking her out directly. Once you are a part of her inner circle, you can begin wooing her by being attentive, buying her gifts, or asking her out for a movie. Also, dress nicely and have a clean look. You can also wear perfume or cologne since a woman can be more charmed by guys who smell great. You can check out the Pherazone cologne review, or any other brand, before buying one.
If you want to learn how to ask a girl out, it is first important that you make a commitment to creating attraction.
How to Attract a Girl Before You Ask Her Out
The easiest way to get a girl to say yes to going out with you is learn how to flirt with a girl. If you know how to flirt with a girl than you are able to display all of the things that I talked about above. Flirting will also show her that you are a fun, playful, social guy who will be a challenge for her to get.
It really isn’t that hard to learn how to flirt. In fact, flirting is basically a combination of playfully teasing a girl, and subtly letting her know that you are interested in her. I created this short video going into more detail.
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this guy has been in porn movies…..
Getting girls doesn’t have to be difficult (I used to think it did).
I’ll give you some advice right now..
Step 1: Go to MackMethods. com
Step 2: Order the "pandoras box" program
Step 3: Use it and laugh at how easy girls are to figure out haha
Seriously, that program has changed my life. I probably shouldn’t even be mentioning it because I don’t want a bunch of other guys out there running the same "game" but whatever, I’m in a good mood today so I’ll share the tip.
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i got a question. At my school winter formal is coming up and there’s a cute girl i wanna ask and we are pretty good friends as it is. Whats a good way to ask her, that is clever but not over done?
Sry without not with
Sry without compromising our friendship
Sry without compromising our friendship
I’ve know this girl for a while now and we r really good friends and we r even thinking of making a podcast together. I really do like her but I don’t know how to express that to her. We have done plenty of things together but I want to change it from two friends hanging out to making it a date. How do I do this with compromising our friendship?
On me, it says Russian Love Date.
Russian > Ukranian girls, lmao 😛
ad says Colombian Women Dating lol
you´re wright it vlunney
Wow…she’s so fine. other than she looks better nude ;). She’s got plenty of vidos up at 1024gg (dot) com . You have to register, but its completely worth it to spot her tits…
carinsolis, just ask her out and if she says "no" life will go on, she’s not the only girl.
When she says "I can’t promise you anything" and thinks of you as her "brother" = forget it
Women decide if you are a friend (or lover) in the first 2 minutes of meeting you, after that, your fate is sealed, no appeal, it’s a life sentence.
dam dude–lol wat happened 2 da hair????
dude, you are saying crap. everyone deserves to everyone. you might have some money to buy her a coffee and if you don’t ask your parents to give you some money. you must be a teenager, like me, teens are more laid-back people so if you dont have much money then no problem. go for her dude ask her out, don’t let it go too late ’cause the, you lost the ball.
Oh also i don’t know if i could give her all that she diserves because i don’t have that much money and i know that you are going to say "money isn’t important if she really likes you" but you all know that women like and deserve to get pampered so don’t give me that crap. Maybe she dosn’t deserve me , but i really like her. Ah! Also she was the only one who supported and was on my side after the messy break up with my last gf. some one help me please
Ok so my problem is is that i have liked this girl for some time now and i don’t really know how to ask her out. She is my best friend and we know each other very well but her parents are very strict about boys. she is also a big flirt with everyone so i can’t really tell if she likes someone else. I really don’t know if i should wait or just ask her out. what should my next move be?
Is Dan asking us, the viewers, this question? If so, it’s absolutely ridiculous. I’ve gained the impression that they’re either married or know each other extremely well – or both! What does he want to ask US for? We’re too busy having more important things to do like searching through the You Tube programme than to solve this couple’s love life related catastrophies…….
Horatio Nelson