Shall I Trim My Pubic Hair? asked four twentysomething guys some questions about pubic hair maintenance.
How old are you?
Man A: Twenty-four.
Man B: Twenty-four.
Man C: Twenty-one.
Man D: Twenty-four.
Do you remember how the first woman you had sex with styled her pubic hair?
Man A: Totally removed. But some men also have their pubic hair totally removed too, as this Depilatory Guide shows.
Man B: I believe it’s called a landing strip? I don’t feel qualified to use the lingo but also for journalistic integrity I won’t look it up.
Man C: Definitely. Totally removed, which actually threw me off. At the time, I didn’t think women my age did that.
Man D: Shaved into a shape.
Do you remember how the woman you last had sex with styled her pubic hair?
Man A: Trimmed, kept short, but not in any specific shape.
Man B: It was all there.
Man C: Yeah. Totally removed.
Man D: I believe she was trimmed? I guess I wasn’t paying enough attention.
What do you think when a woman has all of her pubic hair removed?
Man A: I don’t really care, honestly.
Man C: It seems like they’re trying a little harder. Which is flattering. It’s also intimidating, though, because I don’t put nearly that much effort into grooming.
Man D: I like it! I don’t know. It’s never been a huge deal for me but I do find a fully shaved bush to be aesthetically pleasing. It’s probably my preferred arrangement if I had to choose.
What do you think when a woman has nothing removed?
Man A: I don’t mind it, though going down on someone is sometimes a little less pleasant. Hair in the mouth and all that.
Man C: The best sex I ever had was with a girl who had done no trimming whatsoever. Still convinced that’s the reason it was so great.
Man D: I’m not big into that. Like again, it doesn’t bother me that much, but like, I don’t know. I’ve been in some … dank situations before that haven’t been the most fun.
If pubic hair grosses you out, why does it?
Man A: It doesn’t. It used to though! For some reason, hair seems to have some dirty connotation for people in general. Like if you find hair in the shower or in food, that’s gross. It doesn’t really make sense. Hair is only dirty if it’s not maintained.
Man B: It doesn’t. Obviously if you’re with someone with substantial hair, you’re gonna get the occasional one in the ol’ wind pipe. But that’s as far as the whole thing goes in terms of hardships, I think.
Man C: It really doesn’t.
Man D: It only grosses me out if it’s particularly unkempt, and I guess that’s just a hygiene thing. It’s weird to go down on a girl when you’re probably rubbing your nose in a fucking jungle. Continue reading here.
Here are some great sex positions for lesbians. bisexual or gay women.

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