Sexy Questions That’ll Turn You BOTH On And Make You Want Sex
Keeping your relationship fun and exciting is crucial if you want something everlasting. It’s not just important for making sure that your man stays attracted and faithful, but also for making sure that YOU, yourself, don’t get bored!
So below, you’ll find 33 dirty questions to ask a guy for a fun sex game. But don’t just use these questions on him during dirty talk! Try to also come up with your own based on the ones you’re about to read.
You’ll find that you don’t necessarily have to get wild and nasty when coming up with your own. Some of the best dirty, sexy questions you can ask your man are actually quite tame while at the same time hinting at something naughty or kinky.
And remember, these work great for phone sex sessions so practice these with 35p Cheap Phone Sex operatives or someone similar if you aren’t sure or as sexy messages for sexting.
1. When is the last time you’ve had a dream about me?
2. If I could only wear yoga pants or short skirts for the rest of my life, what would you choose for me?
3. Guess what color underwear I’m wearing?
4. What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?
5. What’s your most hardcore fantasy?
6. Have you ever said someone else’s name during sex, instead of the girl you were with?
7. What’s the most sensitive part of your body?
8. Have you ever dated two girls at the same time?
9. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
10. Have you ever had sex outside?
11. Have you ever used a sex toy in bed? Perhaps a penis plus? Was it painful or not painful at all?
12. When was the last time you masturbated?
13. If you could only have one type of sex for the rest of your life, what would you choose: oral, anal or regular?
14. Hair down there or all bare?
15. What’s your favorite sex position when I’m on top?
16. What’s your favorite position when you’re on top?
17. Do you prefer me wearing makeup or none at all?
18. Do you sleep in pajamas, underwear or nothing at all?
19. If you could only ever sleep with one celebrity, who would you choose?
20. Have you ever felt jealous when you saw me talking to another guy? Continue reading here.
10 Mind-Blowing Oral Sex Position That Men And Women Both Love & Make Crazy

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