Sexuality In America – The Lifestyle (Part 1)
I manage to find a cool video from the episode on Oprah, the episode talks about the sexuality in america known as the lifestyle or swinging an eye opening discovery.
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Look at this from the mind of a very ignorant person, lacking complete knowledge of history and cultural differences throughout the world.
how is this eye opening
For YOUR information "I" was diagnosed with HPV a few years ago and went through surgery to remove cancer cells from my cervix. I KNOW EXACTLY everything about HPV.Do you know anything about it?? have u ever had it??? do u know anyone who has gone through it ??? It fucking sux.About 2 years ago i was recently told it was inactive in my system.So dont sit there and comment on MY facts about things that i have already been through.You dont know NOTHING about me
and I have only one thing to ask you……do you know about HPV?? do you know that it is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women, anal cancer in men and recently has been documented to cause oral cancer. Trust me….condoms do not(DO NOT) protect you against HPV. you must either be naive or ignorant to think that HIV of syphillis are the only things you should protest yourself against. you are 23 and have a long life ahead…….think about it.
oh oprah, you naughty lady!
I was a swinger for over 7 years and had sex with men who were bigger and better than my ex and i NEVER thought about leaving him…sex is sex and love is love…there is a difference..i don’t know if you have been in this lifestyle or not but people into this don’t have trouble…those who get into it for the wrong reasons have trouble.
If you where that bad in bed then she would’ve already left you. Any one who leaves their partner over sex doesn’t love you any way. She’s with you because she wants to be, not because of your dick. Maybe you should talk to your wife more on about sex. You don’t sound confident in yourself.
If you where that bad in bed then she would’ve already left you. Any one who leaves their partner over sex doesn’t love you any way. She’s with you because she wants to be, not because of your dick. Maybe you should talk to your wife more on about sex. You don’t sound confident in yourself.
who cares!! having sex is not a Crime. if their happy more power to them
cocaine is better than swinging
From the perspective of someone who has been doing this for 5 years I can say jealousy and envy are not primal human instincts. we live in a culture that is not taught to sit with and face our emotions and fears. Jealousy and envy are both fear based emotions, not primal emotions. Fear is. The media, church and state have learned to pray upon us with this emotion.
If I were afraid my wife would leave because someone screwed her better then I would not be married, for we would not be in love.
like all things, theres a hidden side to this. Not all is so glamourous and thrilling. What happens if your partner gets fucked so good she wants to have sex with that person more then you want her too. or if she decided to leave you for that other guy. Its only a matter of time before she experiences someone bigger and better in bed, in which she would want to experience more of that and your sex would become obsolete.
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they only human hhh
i do swing as well
i do swing as well
Those are the immoral doing.
Are u crazy ..?? How u can do it ..?? an animals do’t do it … how is can human do it ..?