Sexual fantasies study: Women have their kinky bi thoughts, too
Fewer women than men have bisexual fantasies according to a study of young people that will soon be published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. There were 799 women among the 1,500 college students asked to rate their sexual fantasies. As far as bisexuals are concerned, women who identify as heterosexual have a lot of lesbian and bisexual fantasies, but men have more.
Observations about the women’s fantasies: There is considerably more gay/bi fantasy than identity, but the gay/bi fantasy to gay/bi identity multiple is lower than in the men. Sex with two women and homosexual (gay) sex are about the same prevalence, the latter being reported as lower by the men.
Going from two to more than three same-sex sex partners exhibits a decline in prevalence in women (from 36.9% to 24.7%); in men the drop-off was much sharper going from sex with two men to sex with more than three men (from 45.2% to 13.1%). continue reading…
Marilyn Monroe bisexual? 50 years later the mystery continues
Marilyn Monroe remains the enigmatic movie beauty even a half-century after her death, Aug. 5. Certainly, the circumstances of her drug overdose remains a major cause for speculation, but so does her love life.
It’s almost a given by some biographers that Marilyn Monroe had relationships with women. They use her own words, and some quotes from famous people as well.
After spending a long time researching and writing her book proposal, Author Lois Banner released this shocking revelation in her book Marilyn: The Passion and the Paradox, and told The Guardian, “She had affairs with many eminent men – baseball great Joe DiMaggio, playwright Arthur Miller, director Elia Kazan, actor Marlon Brando, singer Frank Sinatra, the Kennedy brothers – and she married DiMaggio and Miller. Yet she desired women, had affairs with them, and worried that she might be lesbian by nature.”

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