Sex Tips for Straight Guys from a Bi Girl
Another post from Mens Health to share some sex tips for straight guys!
Hello, straight men. I like you. You’re fun to hang out with and play pool with and talk to. Hell, I’ve even had sex with some of you and enjoyed it quite a bit. Also? We share a common interest in having sex with ladies. There’s Always more gf porn, always watchmygf adult.
As someone who has been on both sides of the lady sexing equation, I feel like I am remarkably positioned to do you a solid. A solid that may boomerang agreeably in my favor one day, true, but mostly a solid that will help you and women and the spreading of joy in general.
So without further ado, here’s what I would tell you if I knew you really well and we were hanging out as friends and we were also maybe a drink or two in.
1. There is no Konami code for getting women off.
I know that sucks: I’d love a set of clear and infallible instructions leading to guaranteed ladygasms too. We all would. But those instructions just don’t exist, and you’re not going to find the answers by watching as many films as you can on sites like and the abundance of others you can find!
The facts are that every woman’s body is different and every woman’s mind is different. Some women may get worked up just looking at Femplay, or some other sex toy site. Others may need something a bit more extreme. The same applies to what will get them off at the end of it all.
While there are certainly intersections, what turns a woman on and/or what gets her off can be very different than what worked for the last woman you were with. So that means you’re going to have to do two things: Talk to her about what she likes and pay attention to her reactions when you try something. If you’re really stuck, try looking through a sex tips site like together, and put together a list of the ideas you both like. You never know, it can help spark the imagination.
If that sounds like it’s going to take some time and patience, you’re correct. You know why queer women have sex once and then end up dating for three to seventy-five years? It’s because they’re spending that time learning to make each other climax like Beethoven’s ninth.
2. Watch all the porn you want, but please don’t learn your sex moves from porn.
Sex and porn actually have a tiny but key difference in their goals. The purpose of actual sex is to produce pleasure (and, presumably, orgasms) for you and the nice lady you’re having sex with. The purpose of porn, however, is not to produce orgasms for the people who are having sex. The purpose of porn is to produce orgasms for you, the viewer. Continue reading here.
Watch 5 Sex Tips For Better Sex!

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