Sex in College – Craziest College Hookup Stories
Sex in college is unlike any other sex you’ll ever have, which is probably for the best. Between doing it in bunk beds and being sexiled by your roommate, things get very, um, interesting. asked 15 twentysomethings about their craziest college hookup stories, and the results are amazing!
1. “I had been hooking up with one of my guy friends for a while, and one night, we both met up at the bar and were really drunk, so we went back to my dorm. We fooled around and then fell asleep but I was shortly woken up after by feeling a warm liquid on me and thought he had jacked off. Then I realized he had peed on me and I was shocked and grossed out. I elbowed him and he woke up. I guess he realized what happened and told me he was going to leave. The next day he left his wallet in my room so I had to awkwardly give it back to him. Safe to say we never hooked up again.” —Paula, 21
2. “My girlfriend and I snuck away during a friend’s birthday dinner and we had sex in the bathroom. We both came out completely disheveled and everyone knew what had happened.” —Michael, 20
3. “I liked this guy who had a girlfriend, and the first night I went out at school in the fall, we ended up hooking up in a public restroom in a dorm building because we were both commuters. He was fucking me from behind, and the hand dryers came on. It was hysterical!” —Sarah, 24
4. “I met a guy on Tinder and met up with him at a frat party that same night. This was my first frat party ever, mind you. We went home together, had sex, and went on to date for almost a year.” —Georgia, 20
5. “Once I met this guy at a bar and we started making out. A little later in the night, I met his twin and could not tell them apart at all. I forgot which one I had kissed and ended up accidentally going home with the other one!” —Lilly, 23
6. “Met a guy on the bus back from the bar where I had left my friends (who also had my phone). Once we were back on campus, the guy invited me back to his friend’s house for a party. We hooked up and I fell asleep. I did not have my phone, so when I woke up the next morning, I used the guy’s phone to contact my friends. Once I reached them, they freaked out and told me they had filed a missing person’s report because they had my phone and couldn’t get in contact with me. So they picked me up and brought me to the police station to confirm that I was in fact found. Fun times.” —Jamie, 21 Continue reading here.
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