30 Sex Fantasies To Turn Into Reality
Whether you’ve been together for two years or 16, you know how important passion is in your relationship. Hell, even if you’re spending your time with london escorts, passion is what makes sex truly great. But did you know how key fantasies are in having a happy relationship? Being able to communicate your desires to your partner, keep things new, and add imagination to sex will do wonders for you—both in the bedroom and outside of it.
About 95 percent of people report that they have sexual fantasies. According to a study conducted at the University of Granada, women have pleasant romantic fantasies more frequently than men—a few times a month. Men, however, fantasize more frequently about sexcapades involving being promiscuous, being a swinger, and participating in an orgy.
But don’t let these preferences hold you back. There are tons of sex fantasies to try with your significant other. Shares your desires, experiment, and discover what works best for you both as a couple. You may surprise yourself—and get closer to your partner in the process.
1. Boss and Employee Fantasy
Fifty-six percent of women and 61 percent of men have sexual fantasies about getting it on with co-workers in their office. So why not dress up in your work attire, get behind the desk, and re-create the hot new hookup scenario that’s been on your mind? The allure of having sex with a coworker, especially your boss, has to do with gaining power. And that’s hot.
2. Dominate
Power is a rush, there’s no doubt about it. Many women dream about having a man obey their every wish, so why not unleash your inner dominatrix and try it out in the bedroom? You can do this by simply calling all the shots or by experimenting with whips, handcuffs, etc. Either way, you’ll be in total control, and he’ll be completely devoted. Win, win.
3. Have Sex Outside
Want the thrill of getting it on outside the bedroom without the risk of getting caught? Embrace the elements, and try doing it in a secluded area outside at night. The grass, the sand, the pool—the great outdoors is your sex playground.
4. Be an Exhibitionist
In his study of sexual fantasy, Who’s Been Sleeping in Your Head?, Brett Kahr found 19 percent of people fantasize about being watched during sex—and another 5 percent fantasize about taking their clothes off in public. In for the risk? Put on a show. Get it on near the windows in your home or hotel room.
5. Be Voyeuristic
Does watching the show from the sidelines turn you on? Whether you’re spying on the neighbors or the couple getting it on at the beach, this fantasy is a common one. One easy way to make it happen? Go to a nude beach or a sex show with your partner. Continue reading here…
Two Gorgeous Women Kissing

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