27 Guys Reveal the Best Thing a Woman Has Ever Done in Bed
“There’s nothing like a woman who is confident when she’s on top.”
It’s pretty much assumed that all guys want in bed is boobs and blow jobs. Or do they want a Fifty Shades-style Red Room? Or anal sex? Cosmopolitan.com asked 27 guys to reveal the moves that really got them going. Some of the answers may surprise you and others just won’t. At all.
1. “Swallowed.” —Elliot, 19
2. “Scratched my back.” —Max, 18
3. “Just being with me. That and BJs are best.” —Christian, 20
4. “Used whipped cream.” —David, 22
5. “She looks deeply into my eyes and isn’t afraid to try something.” —Daniel, 18
6. “Many men don’t think they can handle it, but rim jobs are AWESOME!!!!” —Felix, 20
7. “Gargled my balls, sat on my face, and screamed dirty stuff during sex.” —Jackson, 22
8. “Snuck away and came back in some sexy lingerie that I said she’d look good in a few weeks earlier, and said, ‘Tonight’s all about you.’ I didn’t have to do anything myself!” —Richie, 24
9. “Titty fucked.” —Elijah, 22
10. “There’s nothing like a woman who is confident when she’s on top.” —Ryan, 23
11. “Sprinkled chili powder in my nose.” —Isaac, 21
12. “Squirted all over me.” —Benjamin, 22
13. “Super stealthy, silent sex with my ex-girlfriend while her friends slept on the floor of my dorm room, inches away.” —Ian, 25
14. “Tied me up and teased me for a while before letting me loose on her.” —Andrew, 21
15. “Deep-throating.” —Louis, 21 Continue reading here.
Premature ejaculation is one of the biggest insecurities men have when it comes to sex. Here’s a video that will teach your man to last longer in bed.

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