Q & A: How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Condoms
This is a great show, and certainly not a usual question. This video talks about how old do you have to buy condoms.
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of course i will have protected sex, but my boyfriend will buy the condom
Im 15 and i just stole 3 today at a gas station. They make it too easy 🙂
i’m afraid to buy 🙁
I wasn’t aloud so a said more std’s 4 me then he gave me them 4 free and said keep safe
Ya idk if it’s that different here in Canada but I can pretty much get condoms from a health clinic or the school nurse for free 🙂 they want us to choose to have safe sex, no matter what age
Im 15.. And I need one
Little kids that want to buy condoms. *facepalm*
Or just go to the self checkout but I call it the self wreckout
I’m 12 and I’ll be 13 in five months so I can just walk in and buy a condom? O.o just one thing I’m gonna wear shades and a hat so no one I know won’t be like holy F*CK HE’S GONNA DO A GIRL? And how
much are the Trojan pre-lubed condoms?
at age 16 i bought ONE condom they look cool the package
over here in scotland in every chemist there is a sign that says remember there is no legal age limit to buy condoms
Umm can anyone tell what exactly is a condom? What is it? Why do u need it ?? These things now in secondary school about puberty, changes ,condoms things like that are so hard to understand ! It’s so complicated
I’m 13 and my bf and I wanted to do it. I went to sams food and got condoms, candy, a monster, and other things. The clerk said " Haha ok if Itz what u want" I laughed to and sed Thanksgiving and now I get them ALOT from da same clerk 😀 nothing to b afraid of
Are you people fuckin kidding me
can i
use that line
dear jen and dan thank you because some store owners said im two yound and im 14
Exactly dan. What does that cheap motherfucker at 7/11 know what im gonna do with them. And there is no sign that says no condoms for people under the age of yatatata. I dont think some smelly indian is gonna care about me having sex.
no ffense to all the all year olds but u guys really should not be having sex like if ur 15 its not that great but u should not be u hav just or havent started ouberty it wont be that good btw
It sucks trying to buy condoms at 9
so wat do u suppose to say if ur only around ur 14 n 16 can u still buy it or u cant
Beautiful video sweet and simple thanks! 😀
what if she uses birth control?, does that mean i don’t have to buy any and they won’t make fun of me for buying any?