Pictured Guide to Pansexuality
My second "pan" video, after exploring what it means to be pangender I try to explain the possibly related topic of pansexuality and hopefully make it more clear through some pictures. I also talk about two common misconceptions about pansexuality. Music (royality free): The Wingless – The Guardian Legend "The Scarlet Halls of Night"

Quit smoken that dope. and eat something!
It means that you get off sexually with pans. It’s a kitchen
What the hell are you, you little freak. If you care about the human race you would go kill your self.
Thanks for the explanation, now I understand why as a strait woman I always been attracted to gay male. It is not total pansexuality but is probably a close form.
i love how you took dracula for "male" 😉
ganz deiner meinung übrigens^^
Then I am sorry for the nasty answer 🙂
It sadly is just too normal that persons really think that screwing anything is what pansexuality is about, and apart from that, irony is really hard to see from the written word alone. But I still try to see it, mostly 😉
I’m sorry, I was just kidding.
You were obviously not paying attention. I am neither desperate nor is screwing the main point about pansexuality. If you have to take screwing into account then it is that I don’t set any arbitrary borders to what is right or wrong but base this decision 100% percent on concious decision of all involved parties.
Ok, I wasn’t paying attention all the way through the video but, so what you mean is basically that it means that you’re desperate enough to screw any damn thing?
I am flattered and very glad about my positive impact on you. I wanted to be this video enjoyable and it seems to me that it can be even more to some persons. The love I put into this video seems to really be radiating through the worldspirit and touched you where ever you are.
I hope I can be there for you when you need me, let me take your hand in the dark 🙂
… reality of Existence. It is my belief that we could all let each other heal if only we would stop trying to interfere with other people’s lives. I believe we could all help each other just by being, if we could simply be at peace with ourselves. Thank you for being in that moment exactly what i needed. My small voice cried out across the deep dark… Thank you for being there, and for being who you are – who ever you are. I love you. =)
Also, you have Guardian_Legend_The_Scarlet_Halls_of_Night_OC_ReMix.mp3 by The Wingless playing in the background. I show that i downloaded that song on Thursday, 21 May, 2009, 02:10:08 AM. But i’d forgotten that i had it, and this song in the context of your words was exactly what i needed at this exact moment.
What some people would call god, i see as an interconnectedness of all things. What some would call answered prayers, i see as tapping into the flow of the underlying …
I love you. I don’t know you, but to say that i love you is the best way that i can put what i’m thinking and what i’m feeling. I love this version of you that existed in the moment that this video was made. This concept of pansexuality – the way you express it – gets to the very center of what is needed in order to overcome the ills of our world. You said that you may have perferences regarding appearance, but it is the person themselves who you love. Absolutely brilliant! …
"That’s like calling a bisexual hetero because that is part of his/her sexual orientation."←Why not? A bisexual is a homosexual that is also heterosexual. People created the word bisexual because is shorter that saying "I’m heterosexual and homosexual" Bisexuals are indeed heterosexual.
I see pansexuals saying "I’m not bisexual" What I’m saying is that bisexuality is part of pansexuality, a pansexual saying he is not bisexual is like a bisexual saying he is not heterosexual.
To make the difference short:
I, as a pansexual, think that your definition can’t hold because to me the very term "both sexes" is wrong.
Whereas a bisexual shares your view that there are two sexes.
So no, I am not bisexual because males and females are only two sections of the spectrum of persons I am attracted to.
That’s like calling a bisexual hetero because that is part of his/her sexual orientation.
Yes, pansexuality is different from bisexuality, but pansexuals still share the same point that bisexual have plus the other ones that makes them pansexual.
Here is what I think, bisexuality means attraction to both sexes (male and female) Pansexuals have the ability to be attracted to both sexes so they are bisexual too, that would be their sexual orientation. I would agree if you want to say that pansexuals have 2 sexual orientation one them being bisexuality.
I think it is important to state that pansexuality is different from bi-sexuality because bisexuality still keeps the traditional gender dichotomy of male and female. Pansexuals think it is important to stress that not every human is either male or female but that there are many more genders.
While being pan involves no special preference it is about being _able_ to be attracted to anybody, therefore it still is a sexual orientation.
So what pansexuals have to do is give a very good definition where they avoid saying that pansexuality is a sexual orientation by itself and avoid saying that they are not bisexual. If they do that, it is way easier to understand for others.
Seriously, It took me like a day or two to understand what a pansexual is because people where explaining it to me the wrong way.
That is why people get confused with the definition, if a person says "I’m not a bisexual" but they see you dating a female and a year later dating a male, what else they can think? To them that looks 100% like a bisexual, that is why I say pansexuals are a special kind of bisexuals that can be attracted to anyone. While a non-pansexual-bisexual may not attracted to some human.
Another mistake I see people when they give the definition is calling pansexual a sexual orientation…
Wow, you and your boyfriend are so freaking smart and make awesome videos.
On topic: I think people gets confused about the definition because some people say "pansexuality is a sexual orientation (pansexuality = Preference for all or absence of preferences) we aren’t bisexual" first time I hear that I got totally confused. Later I realize that all pansexuals are bisexuals by default (from outsiders point of view) as they can date males and females so they act like bisexual too.
Google objectophilia or objectosexual, that people has a sexual orientation for objects.
There is also poeple that has sexual fetish for objects (they are not a sexual orientation because they lack emotional connection) emotional connection is what distinguish, sexual orientations from sexual fetish or preferences.
Fetish just means that somebody needs a certain kind of "input" to attain complete sexual satisfaction or to get aroused at all. For example, a sexual fetishist gets (only) aroused when he sees a certain kind of inanimate object while the sight of a normal human sexual partner does not make him horny. Or a masochist can only "purge" all sexual energy when pain is inflicted upon him, even without actual sex.
As long as all involved are consenting fetishists are totally harmless 😉