Make The Girl Dance ‘Baby Baby Baby’
I thought this video is just some dance video which you can clearly see on the title but somehow my impression was wrong. Make The Girl Dance Baby Baby Baby is featured on the Victoria’s Secret commercial.
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mute. good. mmmm i would like to see something like that in the streets xD
these girls are actual girls! no tranny’s necessary
I’m sorry but… those girl are so ugly D=
sorry man
What do you mean "fat"?! The first one is becoming anorexic because while she was walking, her thighs didn’t touch at all! The other two women aren’t anorexic and you can tell since their thighs touch quite frequently. It saddens me that the natural human body is considered "fat" while being malnourished and anorexic is "hot," "what women should look like," and "a work of art". The many artists whom painted pictures of women centuries ago would feel so insulted if they could hear this.
Bande de put !! –"
no, i dont like the music..
Bunu istanbul sirinevler de yapsınlar kızları yürürken sikerler
i want to see the pussy!
I want to learn french now O_O.
the real french people isn’t like this pute lol
How did they get all the signage backwards? Why did they want all the signage backwards? Weird.
wrong? what’s wrong they are just nude °0
yeah the rest are just fat
sinon y a que des anglais dans le coin XD
lol il sont malade XD
people would’nt care less if the video is upside down or anything……..
girl have balls… lol ..i still want her 🙂
i want to go to France……… lol
Tries bien …..
tro cool
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god damn the french!
@MegaSidds I agree…she has the best walk. her bone structure, walking, is a work of art.