Lesbian Vampire Killers – how to introduce the hot female cast

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This is how you introduce sexy women in a movie: with wolfmother and slow motion. Skip to 1:07 if youre Impatient 😛 Video source: Lesbian Vampire Killers Music in clip: Woman by Wolfmother

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  1. KenjiKussano says:

    What is that at 1:39 ??

  2. The1stPoster says:

    what did one female vampire say to the other female vampire?

    see you next month

  3. Hyrulean112 says:

    So where are the lesbians and vampires? Haven’t seen any of them……

  4. nw8000 says:

    Oh who are you trying to kid????? You would do them allllllll!

  5. sonicmark87 says:

    "Ja!" :P.

  6. stef981 says:

    what about 8 xD

  7. nathanwilefrazier says:

    This was a bit subtle for my taste; they should have shot out of the house moaning like nympho-rockets propelled by their explosive squirting orgasms.

  8. joeporn666 says:

    press 7 like a mad man!!!!

  9. Tromi1986 says:

    Nah , you can keep her , ill take Lotte ( the blond one ) … 🙂

  10. Tromi1986 says:

    Nah , you can keep her , ill take Lotte ( the blond one ) … 🙂

  11. 76sweetcat says:

    Pity this film overshadowed ‘The Vampires of Bloody Island’ which came out about the same time and is in many ways a far superior and funnier film.

  12. 4lm4pN says:

    Don’t pretend you care what her name is ; DDDDD

  13. 4lm4pN says:

    1:41 – PANTIES !!!!!!!! ; DDDDDDDDD Thumbs up for the rapist eye ! ; D

  14. shqipesocool says:

    i want to know it too, that redhead chick is so f¨*ckin HOT!!

  15. MrIlovewomenalot says:

    wts the name of the second one with the nice legs at 1:18?

  16. imnotstpid says:


  17. Foadiafya says:

    Ashley Mulheron i believe. The one behind is her sister Tiffany

  18. DJJBOMB1 says:

    katie 3 show me you vid oioi i getting hornee

  19. mixed2thafullest says:

    omg i have this its so funny

  20. nicbest1 says:

    the one with blue top

  21. thedancingjessa says:

    you and me both, man

  22. smash91 says:

    This movie was awesome

  23. smash91 says:

    This movie was awesome

  24. AerialRcoet says:

    this is a way all men die with a boner

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