Laci Green, Extremism, and Privilege
Talkback about the ridiculousness and unchecked ignnacy around the Laci Green scandal. Laci Greens tumblr post: karnthyias post on being threatened: Michelle Obama being threatened: So a week ago, Laci Green left the tubes of InterWebs because she was violently threatened (supposedly) because of her transphobic and islamophobic statements in earlier videos, some of which she would later disavow. I talk here about a furthering of a conversation around threats and danger to include the humanity and dignity of people of color and hopefully marginal voices all over. Music by Kevin MacLeod

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Hi CabVideoz, I hope I didn’t sound too angry or unfriendly in my comments elsewhere. Any way, you’re absolutely right that everyone deserves to be protected, not just whites. I just hope that people will find a way to protect both karnythia and Laci instead of throwing Laci under the bus. Instead of criticizing John Green for defending Laci, I feel like it would have accomplished more to challenge him to defend other persecuted vloggers like karnythia. Maybe they did, though IDK.