Karen’s XXX SexTips for GUYS on how to get down and dirty with the Ladies!
Karen’s XXX SexTips for GUYS on how to get down and dirty with the Ladies is your amazing guide on how to get down and dirty with the Ladies!
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Search on google: Karen alloy google and click on the link to see her tits
Top demographics
Male, 45-54 years
Male, 35-44 years
Male, 25-34 years
Kinda of scared of the 45-54 bit though.
Its hard for me to listen when im looking into your eyes 🙂
we already saw you naked, the rest is blah blah blah
wow shes annoying
I was listening and staring does that make me the perfect boyfriend….LOL!
1:16 Aww.. You’re mean..
you shud wear that shirt more often…
you shud wear that shirt more often…
Huh!? Did u say something?
I can simple this down to one tip Karen, care about her.
You have good advice again.. You should really consider getting an education in sexual and relationships.. Dr.Karen Alloy sounds very good!! Keep the great video comming..
pretty eye shadow! 🙂
Wow! poetic 😛
i want your hat 🙂
do this episode again.. i didnt hear anthing.. dont forget to cover your business this time..
Didn’t mess with my head babe.. lol Messed with something else.. tut tut
So with the Olympics going on, there’s a banner on the top right of my page. So the title of this video is "Karen’s XXX SexTips for GUYS on how to get down and dirty with the London 2012 Olympics. Watch live and on demand." Good job Olympic advertising…
You HAVE MIssed your calling. You HAVE TO BE THE FUNNIEST WOMAN on youtube! You need to take that on the road. Your looks SURE DON’T HURT EITHER!
Yes, I was listening to your….voice.
Euh…What did u just say i whasnt listening XD
i want to fall softly asleep btw those pillowy mounds of comfort.
there really not that good. would have rather not seen them and always wondered, instead of actually seeing them