Is She Straight, Bi-Sexual, or Lesbian?
When you go to a club, how do you know if a woman is straight, lesbian, or bi-sexual. How do I know if shes into you? What about strippers? Watch this nice informative video on you will know if a girl is Straight, Bi-Sexual, or Lesbian.
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@jesusorder10 just like the bible says it’s ok to sell your daughters as slaves? I’m a Christian and I firmly believe that any kind of love is a blessing from God. YOU are NOT to judge other people for God, nor are you entitled to pointing your finger at them. I’m sure you’ve lied at some point in your life, and that would make you "as sinful" as a homosexual man/woman by your standards – "No sin is greater than the other". End of discussion.
if you’re a guy then I would drop it, if she’s a lesbian it’s highly unlikely she’ll suddenly "discover" herself, I know how it is though. reverse situation with me. ):
lol so true
statistically speaking, there is a 1 in 5 beer chance, the girl WILL be a lesbian, at least for the night! 🙂
statistically speaking, there is a 1 in 5 beer chance, the girl WILL be a lesbian, at least for the night! 🙂
stupid fgts need to all die
Hm, had this feeling this girl liked me but she is much younger. Anyhow, I was not aware she had a boyfriend. Well come to find out it was a girlfriend not a boyfriend. Yet I still h ad the feeling she liked me. One day hot the next day cold. Yes I felt the chemistry but I sense fear in her and now that I am sure she had a girlfriend I’m not sure if I should just walk away and give up. We supposedly were friends yet I sensed she’s now distant. Any adive? My friends say I should move on.
Hey my Gf just turn into a lesbian… What should I do? She wanted to be friends but my mind said no though my heart said yes…. I broke up with her on New Years coz it will not work anymore….
When I like someone I will look at them a LOT, lean toward them, and want their attention, but that would be the same for a crush, or someone I admire in general. The sexual line is WHERE ones looks. If someone looks at your lips, or certain body parts, with an entranced or pleased expression, that means they’re sexually attracted!
its so hard to tell the sexual oritenation froma female, not as easyt as males LOL
lesbians probly go to gay bars more chance of hookin up there for them
the most ANNOYING couple i have ever seen.
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– With love from Germany
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dnt take no notice bab 🙂 im bi and niffin wrong with it they dnt have 2 do it do they x
girls play for pay
Well, yet more idiot Youtube patrol these comments…find mine and reply. I don’t give a fuck what you collection of dateless idiots think…I honestly don’t. You serial masturbators can just go and fuck yourselves, it’s the only sex you’ll ever get. Not my fault you small boys can’t find a date…just stand up and look down for the answer to that. Good luck! 🙂
Ya, that is not sexy it’s gross.
IM NOT TRYING TO ADVERTISE BUT IM SCARED OF WHAT IT SEES in 1908 a lady named sally rusa was in the woods looking for a dog until a ghost came and killed her so if ur reading this u will find a bloody body in your closet hanging there haunting you and will kill you and ur family and if u want to stop this just sends this to 6 videos in 30 mins or this will happen good luck!! and i only did this because it freaked me out o.o
me too!!
I usually date other girls like me in appearance and style. I like flirting with men and other girls…and for me I have no trouble in deciphering different signals. For me, sex with other women is just casual sex…no relationships. I have relationships and sex with men…and just sex with other women. I am very open sexually, so maybe that’s what works for me. I am not shy…shy is not sexy!!
I just think girls’ sexualities are difficult to decipher. Especially in the case of bisexuality. A few polite smiles can be mistaken for flirtation.. Before you know it you think the person looking at you might be bi.. and then you realise they were just being nice.