I found a cool video on the 3 most common interracial relationship challenges that most interracial relationships gone through some of this challenges are peer-family disapproval of your relationship, racism in the relationship, and racial fetishizing.
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Its looks like you are under the false oppression of "White Guilt" created by minorities. Its a shame, Whites have an amazing history and its unfortunate that you are too guilt wracked to see this. The majority of inventors, philosophers, artists, and other beings who have contributed greatly to society have been white. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. I am proud of my ancestry and you should be too. I have done my research, and I have concluded that whites are an exemplary people.
Thats true, I’m from Ireland and we have one of the highest rate of down syndrome because our population is so small!
I’m not saying I’m not proud of the good things that my ancestors have achieved and I’m not saying that Europeans have been the only oppressive groups of people. I’m not even saying that it isn’t something that happens anywhere else anymore. What I’m saying is that the European oppression of others is still kind of recent history. My father studies Native American and Nazi history, so maybe it’s just how I’m raised but I don’t hate my heritage (text boxes are too small to properly explain -_-).
There are lots of people I know like you. Self hating white people. European culture has been just as oppressive as any other culture. I’m also European. I’m Sicilian. My ancestors were Italics, Phoenicians(Egyptians/Carthaginians), Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Berbers(North African natives), Norman Vikings and Spaniards. I’m proud of all of them, they each co-existed on one island beautifully, but no one learns this, they only learn the bad in history. Be proud of who you are. Regardless of race.
If you can only see great innovators, philosophers, artists etc. coming from people of European descent, then I suggest you do your research. There are so many great revolutionaries and artists and inventors in human history who were not white, and it’s a shame that the legacy of their people isn’t as honored by you.
I’m white, and personally I don’t particularly like my own people’s history. Our ‘legacy" in recent history has been very oppressive of others, which I’m quite ashamed of.
I cannot be the only person who heard tombs remix of discord. That’s What’s playing.
Keep in mind that some of these profound inventors, artists, and philosophers come from many different cultural backgrounds and ethic groups. You say "white people" only because of their appearances.
Because I enjoy White people, their accomplishments, and their presence. They have been the major world changing factor for thousands of years and have produced some of the greatest art, music, inventions, philosophies, and discoveries. I want to keep white people and their great legacy alive.
I don’t mean to sound racist myself, because I’m not, but is racism more common in america? Because I’ve never heard anything so horrible and racist before in england like mixed race people are inferior or half-breed, or that eugenics are good, that has genuinely shocked me.
Racism is naturally occurring in every human, even the most liberal minded people. I disagree with race mixing because I want to keep the white race alive.
woah.. i like your tits
your talking about dogs right.. ?
That is extremely offensive. Not just because of your racism, but because I am myself mixed. So I’m a abomination. And ugly. Wow. Never heard that one before.
alien…?oh and btw it means you are attracted to women and you have no prejudice against someones race when finidind love
actually the hotest girls in my school (confirmed by a lot of people) are asian and black i cannot decide which is more attractive latino and asian or black and asian
do you realize what you just said
1:41 ATCQ shirt FTW.
It’s prove that halfbreed people is MORE attractive than not halfbreed people
Your boobs are nice
Okay I just *know* I heard a pony fan song around in that video.
Why is there so much stupidity in these comments? There are some great comments too, but DAMN.