I’m A Woman & I Love Lesbian Porn (You Probably Do, Too)
Let’s be honest here: watching a dude in action is not really a sexual turn-on.
I didn’t masturbate until I was in my 20s. I was raised on a steady Mormon diet of “Masturbation is a sin!” so it just never occurred to me as something to do, and anyway it was a sin the menfolk were more likely to commit, not women (according to the church, anyway).
Eventually, I learned to enjoy masturbation in adulthood, but porn still made me a little anxious. The few porn clips I’d been unfortunate enough to stumble upon were of the bow-chicka-wow-wow variety: Poor quality videos of drugged-out looking blonde with a bad boob job boredly allowing some gross older guy to give it to her every which way while feigning a few moans and groans that are clearly dubbed and looped throughout the rest of the vid. As I searched deeper for better porn, I found high-quality videos (for hd porn movies click here) with content that I enjoyed more, but I just found the males in porn actually turned me off.
Let’s be honest here: watching a dude in action is not really a sexual turn-on. Dangly bits hanging everywhere, skinny butt pumping away, terrifying ‘cum face.’ Yeesh. My lady bits dry up just thinking about it. I believe the great Elaine Benes said it best while discussing ‘good naked’ and ‘bad naked’ on an episode of SEINFELD:
Jerry: Well, I was walking around naked in front of Melissa the other day.
Elaine: Whoa! Walking around naked? Ahh…that is not a good look for a man.
George: Why not? It’s a good look for a woman.
Elaine: Well, the female body is a … work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it’s for gettin’ around, like a jeep.
Jerry: So you don’t think it’s attractive?
Elaine: It’s hideous. The hair, the … the lumpiness. It’s simian.
George: Well, some women like it.
Elaine: Mmm. Sickies.
YUP. Sickies.
So regular straight porn has never been my thing (which kind of meant porn was never my thing). It never occurred to me that lesbian porn would be more up my alley (hey-OH) until a few years ago when I stumbled upon Tubev.sex Lesbians where I saw a video of a girl-on-girl scenario and I’ll be damned if it wasn’t the sexiest, most sensual thing I’ve ever seen. I finally understood why guys get all hot and bothered over two chicks going at it. All curves and soft sensuality. This was IT for me. From there on out lesbian porn was my thing. Turns out, I’m not alone. Lesbian porn is all the rage. Not only do lesbians like lesbian porn, dudes dig it, and so do straight women, apparently. I will admit that I went to the wrong website first, I thought it was 2 lesbians as they were both stunningly beautiful, but I had a slight shock when they both got naked and found out that yet again the dangly bits were present, I could have sworn they were both females, I suddenly realised I had gone to the website https://www.shemalehd.sex/ and yep you guessed it I was watching shemale porn!
There aren’t that many pornography websites that are completely free and have decent porn videos to watch but I did manage to find one, hdpornt, it’s great website not only because it’s free, but because it has all the different categories listed down the side of the page, so for watching some girl-on-girl action all I have to do is click the category Lesbian and then only lesbian porn videos are shown on my screen ready for my perusal, which is great as it means I don’t have to sit through video after video of men with mullets and moustaches giving it to women with back combed permed hair and long red false nails making possibly every fake sexual noise ever thought of. continue reading…
Two lovely women on bed kissing! Watch it!

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