How to Wrap a Present With Ashley
Wrapping a present is not that as hard as you might think. Learn how to wrap a present with Ashley as she demonstrates to you you the proper instructions, right material to have your gift wrapped perfectly.
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…. didn’t noticed the gift!
Thank you for teaching me how to wrap a present.
Me gusta
ponoc to filmik z pakowaniem prezentow ? tylko nie widze tutaj zadnych prezentow 😛
ale widze cycki 😀
Yea, I call shenanigans. I see no wrapping paper or boxes or anything else in this video. Just milk jugs.
Przejmujemy to wideo, Ashley jest nasza ;D
Polacy ;D
If you watch carefully you will notice a present somewhere in the video 🙂
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we all know nobody came here for wrapping tips…LOL
j irais bien decrocher les deux boules de noel mais pas sur le sapin
Ashley, please, help me wram my presents, I’ve not understood :P.
Can I have you for Christmas?
I think I need her to come help me wrap my presents.
Ashley is a gift and she needs to be wRAPPED!
Oh man am I jolly…
Man I love this channel! Merry Christmas!
We need a video teaching us how to unwrap.
i saw this video 15 times and i still trying to know how to do it.
Merry Christmas!!
lol- yay now i know how to wrap a gift
That was… hum… helpful! ;P
next unwrap something! i’d know what…
Wrap a what?
I understood nothing but ashley has cool tattoos 🙂