How to Tell if Another Woman is Bisexual
There are ways to figure out whether another woman might be bisexual. Be very aware that there is no surefire way to determine this, short of asking her. Jumping to conclusions about a person can be risky. That being said, with some sincerity and confidence, you’ll be able to better determine whether another woman might be bisexual.
Watching her Behavior
1. Notice whether she shows open appreciation for women. If the woman seems to generally appreciate women, including their sex appeal, there is a chance she is bisexual. Does she always notice other people’s looks and comment on them in a sexualized way?
* As with every potential clue, it’s possible she is just admiring another woman without having a sexual attraction to her. After all, women are constantly scrutinizing other women’s appearances.
* However, if she repeatedly openly admires another woman’s sex appeal, maybe she is open to more.
2. Recognize that it’s possible she’s attracted to women but doesn’t realize she’s bisexual. This is not an uncommon phenomenon. Although it’s getting easier, it can be hard for people to admit they are bisexual to families and friends or even themselves.
* Go with your intuition. Sometimes you just get a vibe. You generally know when someone seems attracted to you or someone else, right? Sometimes intuition can mean more than words. Some studies have found that up to 60 percent of women are attracted to other women, so it’s not that rare. Whether they will act on it might be another story.[3]
* Society encourages women to develop emotional closeness to one another. For some, this can spill over into attraction. Realize that sexuality can be very fluid. Studies have found that women define their sexuality more ambiguously as they age.
* The tricky part is that many platonic female relationships mirror romantic relationships because they are built on sharing intimate details and talking about personal issues for hours on end.
3. Determine whether she is going out of her way to be around another woman. Is she always trying to strike up a conversation with you or another woman? Does she try to sit next to the woman at meetings? These could be signs of interest.
* If she goes out of the way to interact with another woman in ways a partner would, that’s a sign. Does she show up at the other woman’s soccer games or head to the bar when she hears the woman is there? Does she try to arrange things where it’s just for two?
* Is she always texting, emailing or calling, and not to talk about guys? This could be a sign that she is trying to get closer. Continue reading here.
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