How To Rack 9-Ball Pool With Savannah
Learn how to rack 9-ball pool the next time you’re out playing pool with the guys, you’ll know the right way its done. Watch Savannah demonstrate the proper way to rack a game of 9-ball.
Love flirting? Check this out cool tips for flirting!
1. Get closer! Then break eye contact just long enough to glance down at his lips. It’s a subtle cue that you’re open to a kiss!
2. Choose a theme song. Play it to pump yourself up while you’re getting ready. Then whenever you hear it when you’re out, it will make you feel good — and bold enough to say hi to the hottest of the hot guys!
3. Wear dangly earrings. They draw attention to the smooth curves of our neck — it’s a classy way to subtly show skin.
4. Keep gum or Tic Tacs in your purse. “Want one?” is the world’s easiest icebreaker.
5. Watch Taylor Swift’s video “I’m Only Me When I’m With You” and channel her goofy, fun-loving personality. It’s exactly what guys mean when they say, “Confidence is sexy.”
6. Master the bump-and-flatter. Run into a cute guy at a crowded party. Say, “Oh, sorry — I become a total klutz around cute guys.” Then just introduce yourself.
7. Make dates spontaneously. Text, “I’m craving a McFlurry!! Drop what ur doin and hit the drive-thru w me? :)”
8. Tease him a little. Example: When a guy you’re talking to first tells you his name, say, “What?” so he has to lean in to repeat himself. Then say, “What?” again with a smile. You’ll break the ice with your playful joke.
9. Practice your technique. Sneak in a little flirting whenever you can, like with your hot waiter. You’ll be amazed how “practice flirting” boosts your confidence when you’re talking to a guy you really like.
10. Let a hot guy catch you looking at him! When he does, smile — it will give him the in to approach you.
For more hot, sexy and erotic stories visit or hop in to my personal erotic website @
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You can rack my balls.
Tighten up the rack yeah hhhhh
Nice rack!
That;s right girls, be sure to put the ball in front of your rack before tightening it up
Thank you Savannah :)
WRONG. More of Both. At the same time.
what are you trying to do lmfao
More Ashley, not Julia *-*
More of Julia 🙂