How To Meet More Hot College Girls!
Make your college experience unforgettable by learning how to meet hot college girls and talk to them with ease!
Enjoy the video!
Here’s and add up to your learning on how to flirt you may check this great post I found on How to Flirt With a Girl in College!
Make her feel sexy by hinting that you find her attractive and sexy. For example, you hear her singing on campus, you approach her and compliment her, saying,”You mustn’t sing like that any more, it’s too sexy.” You complimented her looks and noticed a hobby, striking up a conversation.
Be playful and use a humorous false assumption. For example, instead of inquiring what sorority she is, tease her by saying, “You are totally a Delta Chi,” and tell her why you think so, sparking a conversation.
Tease her and make her laugh. Introduce sexual innuendos into the conversation neatly. If she tells you she grew up in Georgia or another state down south, you could say “Down south, you naughty girl!” Keep the jokes appropriate once you assess her sense of humor.
Alter your facial expressions. Smile coyly at her when teasing her, and laugh if she is teasing you. Keep the expression fitting to the conversation, and maintain eye contact with her at all times.
Ask her questions to get to know her better and show you’re interested. Allow her to talk about 70 percent of the conversation — most people feel important or appreciated when they get to talk about themselves.
Appear confident and positive. Talk about positive topics that you are knowledgeable about so you look intelligent and confident without being arrogant or cocky. Let the conversation flow naturally and enjoy each other’s company.
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In my case I went to sturyp*rn(dot) com
Oh boy! You just have to do Google search for a site like that and that’s it. You can be surprised how freaky college girls can be on camera in the comfort of their place. I had to girls at my place, and that’s for one night and I didn’t even say much.
It’s simple: Go out often, become more sociable, and maybe consider enrolling in a particular college. Then, you can meet whoever.
Girls are not like angels or goddesses. They are just as human as men are. Women have feelings, needs, desires, etc. They just want men who appreciate, respect, and value them.
as a college student, i can vouch for these tips…u just gotta go out
1:21 to see tongue action
"don’t be a loser " end of video
How about number one, be ENROLLED in college. Otherwise it’s just creepers.
How to meet more hot college girls!
Step 1) Stop only looking for girls if you or someone thinks they’re hot.
Step 2) Girls have personalities too, look into that
Step 3) Stop looking for girls too hard, if she likes you, she’ll get you no matter what.
/sigh.. another repost. u guys seems to be repeating ur vids over nd over again!
as a 60yr old man, thats the information i need
Social networking can be dangerous and ilegal.
I’ll bet Jennifer was the hottest girl when she was in college.
join a frat yo! #yolo
why not?
I’m 49 and recently divorced…can I meet hot college girls too? 😉