How-To Install a Ceiling Fan With Savannah
This would help you save money on your electricity bill, this sexy video will demonstrate on how to install a ceiling fan.
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After watchin this, im gonna be imbalanced on top of the ladder.
i already have a ceiling fan….
its essential when your girlfriend is doing it
very instructive :O
Is essential to do it in my underwear?
cazzo queste sanno fare tutto……voglio loro 😀
Yes! Savannah!
Can i have this lady come to my house an fix my fan?
i’m sorry what was the question?
This is the way how to videos should be !
I’d be perfectly happy for Savannah to show me how to do anything. I’ve lot’s of respect for a girl that can perform good DIY….
Really, a ceiling fan..
dobře bys udělal , akorát nevím, co by tomu řekla Tvá manželka ……..hihi
exactly the same thing happened with me..
same ^^
i came here because i needed to know how to install a ceiling fan
lubie jak ona coś tłumaczy:)
Kdyby mi zavolala -tak jí to radši namontuju sám….
So i was trying to figure out how wax my snowboard and i ended up here, can’t complain really XD
Eyehandy, do you have any any Calculus tutorials? Differential Equations ?
one hand typing FOR THE WIN
The instructions say to replace plastic boxes with metal, then show her installing the fan into a plastic box?
thumbs up for savannah!
wtf did I just watch?