How to Have Orgasms Like a Lesbian
A recent study showed that lesbians have more orgasms than straight and bisexual women. Here’s how to narrow the gap.
A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine suggests that what you always thought was just your queer friends bragging is, in fact, verifiably true: Lesbians are having more orgasms than straight and bisexual women. Men of all orientations, however, are still outpacing all of us. The researchers didn’t investigate factors that might be contributing to sexual satisfaction or a lack thereof, so it’s up to us to find ways to close the orgasm gap — and then catch up with dudes.
One possible explanation for the Lesbian Orgasm Surplus is the disparate definitions of “sex” for straight and gay folks. In standard American sex education, not to mention most of pop culture, sex consists of one thing — P-in-V intercourse ending in male orgasm. If the woman comes, that’s an awesome bonus, but it’s not really necessary. Lesbians, however, have a wealth of activities under the umbrella of “sex,” and most queer girls I know define sex primarily as “the thing that gets me off.” In other words, lesbians approach sex in much the same way men do: It’s not over until we come.
Bisexual women, for whom the available dating pool is more male than female (both because more men than women date women and because of biphobia in the queer community), are more likely to be having sex with dudes and thus experiencing the dude-centric version of sex — or at least this is my best guess for why their orgasm rates are about the same as those of straight women.
Lesbians approach sex in much the same way men do: It’s not over until we come.
The researchers theorized that “self-identified lesbian women are more comfortable and familiar with the female body and thus, on average, are better able to induce orgasm in their female partners.” I’m skeptical of this — it has a whiff of the “women’s bodies are just sooooo complicated” excuse that men have been using for generations. It also assumes that female anatomy is exactly the same from one woman to the next, which is simply not true. What makes women come is not very complex, but it does vary from woman to woman. Being a lesbian doesn’t make someone an expert on “the female body” — there are as many different kinds of female bodies as there are women. Continue reading here…
Lesbian Vs Straight Girl : Orgasms

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