How To Carve a Pumpkin With Ashley
How to carve a pumpkin with Ashley by following this helpful tips. Carving a pumpkin isn’t that as easy as 1,2,3 but somehow Ashley will show you a sexy way to carve a pumpkin that you’d surely enjoy.
I found amazing flirting tips for both men and women, sex & desires… Fantastic!
1. Choose Your Targets
You don’t have to have a crush on someone in order to flirt. Practice flirting with random people you see every day – people who might not even be on your dating radar – on order to hone your skills. That way, you’ll have some flirting experience under your belt when you approach the people who really matter.
2. Have an Opening Line
Find a reason to talk to the person. If you’re in a class with them, come up with a question about an assignment. If they’re standing in line behind you at a concert, ask about the band. Get creative, and be ready to respond to whatever they say.
3. Make Eye Contact
If you don’t make eye contact, you’ll look bored or uninterested, and that’s not an impression you want to give. Too shy to look them right in the eyes? Here’s a trick: look at the spot right between their eyes. It’ll look like eye contact to them.
4. Come Up With a Compliment
Pick one thing you like about the way they look – like their hair, their smile or an article of clothing. Let them know in a friendly way how much you like it. It’ll make them feel good and will open them up to you. (If you can’t think of an opening line for tip #2, a compliment will do.)
5. Smile
You don’t have to go all Bozo the Clown, but the idea is to look like you enjoy talking to them. So be sure to throw them a smile whenever it makes sense. If they shoot one back, you’ll know that they like talking to you, too.
6. Flirt With Your Body
The body language you use when you flirt is just as important as what you say. Use good posture, point your body towards the person and try to find excuses to touch them. For more on how to do that, check these body language flirting tips.
7. Keep It Light
You’ll get a way better response if you chat about fun, happy stuff (like your new puppy) than serious or sad stuff (like when your puppy got hit by a train). The point of flirting isn’t to bare your soul or share your honest opinions about everything. It’s to open the door to lots more conversations down the road.
8. Beware of Awkward Silences
Once the convo drags, it’s probably gone for good. Fill an awkward silence by asking the other person a question. Can’t think of one? Ask them about something they’re wearing or something in your environment (like a painting on the wall, or the music that’s playing).
9. Wrap It Up
If you’re not interested in talking anymore, politely find an excuse to head off into the sunset. If you are interested, give them a way to get in touch with you – like your phone number or Facebook name. This is (hopefully) just your first convo of many, so save some of that charm for the next time.
10. Practice, Practice, Practice
No one’s perfect at flirting the first time around. If the idea of flirting still gives you butterflies, don’t worry – it just means that you need more practice. The more you flirt, the easier it’ll get.
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what is it?
Ashley has nice pumpkins. ♥
thats a good and delicious looking fruit
I wish my Anqel was that hot & qorqeous ._.
she can be my angel
Only 21 000 watchers?
wow i just found out for this channel! it is awesome! great videos!
who thinks the 2 dislikes are women? ^^
forget halloween, 0:21 thats heaven!!
I regret I don’t live in USA and don’t celebrate Halloween
is it supposed to look like a belly button, pussy, and legs?
If this way angels look, I will do everything in order to get to the sky ;]
0:30 hmm.. it looks like..
what about the two others?
Wait…what was I supposed to be learning?
I saw three pumpkins in the video! ;-D
I guess I died and went to heaven 🙂 It’s great!
wow this is great help
I finally understood the logo..
She is so good in this.
Great !!!!