How Can He Love Me And Still See Her On The Side?
Confused by your relationship specially if your partner has still have feelings on their ex? In this video, you’ll be able to learn how to handle a relationship if your partner still loves her or his ex partner.
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What I find most interesting is that this guy tells HER about his EX but does not tell his EX about HER! This tell me that his EX and he have not broken up but she would dump him if she found out about this woman. Confused yet???
im sure you can love 2 people at the same time and you can be understanding about it but should you remain in the relationship when your so unfulfilled because he loves another i dont think so i would walk away till he sorts that out because no matter how understanding of a person you are that is still ganna hurt you no matter who you are family love and spouse love id different
shame on her she knows he’s got a women i met if SHE knew she wouldnt be playin games & he just hav pick or he get dumped if i was a sleezy guy and knew that you would fall for i lov u trick i keep using you and i hope my girl never fines out but if i love u and love her i step way until i make a solid decsion so the 2 women i lov r not gettin hurt ur jus allowing & giving him permission 2use u hav some moral say NO stand ur ground cuz the othe women cant cuz u 2 r goin behind her back
I’m sorry, I get why you say it.. but you should know better, than no one can control their feelings. .. *sigh* I know someone might be really young but, even if "it’s too soon for it to be true love" IT CAN happen. I say it out of personal experience, and non-personal at the same time. So please keep an open mind. Yes, studying IS important, but feelings are as well.
Great guys, just great! Love ya!
i think the real true love is only for one person, love 4 your dog or family is another kind of love, i really do not want if my boyfriend love 2 person (me and his ex) at the same time, i think no woman in this world will able to accept that, if there is a woman will able to do that, i am sure that was not from the bottom of her heart..really…i am a woman…and is very hurt if the one i really love have another lover…-_-´
well that’s pretty messed up.. i’m not trying to be mean, but that is not love.. that’s just two little kids living together.
my cousin was 10 met a girl and was with her til he was 19 so fuck yall for judging the youth
yeah… "10" and "love" shouldn’t really be in the same sentence…
10? If you are 10 then my advice is to go do your homework and get off youtube and don’t worry about love until you are several years older.
no im 10 i need advice realy bad and i dont know how to tell him i love him befor i move to st cloud
You don’t own him. His love and his body is for him to give to whom ever he pleases. Jealousy is not love. Envy is not love. You can’t own people. Be happy with what you get from him.