Hottest L Word Moments~~Lesbian MV~~Season 2
There were not alot of "hot" moments in season 2, although I was able to come up with a few!! Enjoy! No copyright infringement intended!

There were not alot of "hot" moments in season 2, although I was able to come up with a few!! Enjoy! No copyright infringement intended!
oh god, this video is soooooo hot >…<
Only a REAL FOOL would be a lesbian! God CLEARLY created MAN & WOMAN and various animals/species similarly to MULTIPLY! Gays/supporters are lost and heading to hell!! You must accept Jesus Christ as your Savior to receive eternal rest in heaven! Simple! John 3:16 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him! Repent & accept Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ or HELL?!? Final Answer! BYE! Visit cbn. com
1:50 is where I got a serious boner!
Omfg not even good…need something sexier!!
Which episode has that scene at the fridge?
Wow who’s gay
I would: Do Marina or Carmen, kill Jenny, and marry Helena. Helena is so fucking hot, and that accent!!!!! Omg that part with Cathrine "Show me the money." that part was so hot i got butterflies!!!! 😀
p.s. I miss Dana. 🙁
her real name is Katherine Moennig
yea shane do u no her real name ???
well there are two girls carmen with long hair and shane with short hair
well there are two girls carmen with long hair and shane with short hair
Bette is the best actress in the L word. In these sex scenes, she did it naturally and realistically. That’s why these scenes are so hot! Exquisite acting!!! <3
wats the name of the song??
1:04: who’s the girl with the red shirt? Is that Shane?!?
It reall
Who is the gurl actor at3:38 do u no her name
shane and carmen always the best!
haha there’s nothing wrong with that.. it’s perfectly safe.. and healthy, actually.
I loved season 2 but something about all the scenes with Tina bugged the crap outta me…something about how it’s prolly a bad idea to fuck while pregnant
Prego is not hott eww
what’s the song?
Word moments
Word moments